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{Y/n POV:}

"I think we have a problem..." Joy said dragging me into a quiet room.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"I think something's happening to taehyungs brain... I found him unconscious in the garden earlier and he whispered the word mom ."

"Do you think... it's back?" I asked worried.

"If it is then there's going to be a major problem. We need to scan his brain for any different actions." She said.

"Okay, I'll bring him in soon. I need to talk to him first." I said.

"That's fine, bring him to his normal check up room." She said and walked out.

I walked out soon after looking for Tae who was surprisingly standing right outside.

"We need to talk." We both said at the same time.

I sighed, I knew the truth was going to come out at some point. I just didn't know it would be so soon.

We sat down in the garden again. We faced each other and he started.

"I don't know what's happening... I can barley remember anything that happened earlier. H-He.." he stopped himself.

"Who's He?" I asked, was it the voice? Is it back? Did he see it?

He looked closed off and not comfortable talking about it, not now at least.

I sighed, "it's okay Tae, come on, there's someone who wants to see you." I said making him follow me.


"Tae!" Hoseok said walking to us and greeting us.

I thought it would be a good idea to give taehyung a little throwback of his past. Maybe just maybe this will help him cope.

"Hobi." He answered slightly smiling.

"What are you guys doing here?" Hoseok asked us.

"Well, I was wondering if Tae could use one of your rooms for a bit." I said.

"Yea sure," he lead us to a one way mirror. You could see inside but they couldn't see out. It's a way to get people with stage fright to cope with it.

We left Tae in the room and said we would be back.

I told Hobi everything that was happening and that I needed his help.

"How about we put some music on? Maybe he will react." He said going over to the side and picking out a song.

I waited for him to react and he did.

Pretend this is Tae dancing.


Both I and Hoseok walked in as if we didn't see anything and talked to taehyung.

"Hey Tae, the boys and I are going to this karaoke place and wanted to know if you wanted to come." Hoseok asked.

"Uh- sure, when?" He asked.

They started to talk casually and catch up.

I was happy for them but that wasn't the reason I was here. I need to know if those voices are still there... and if so why? And what do they want...

Before it's too late,

Little did I know what would happen that weekend.
To be Continued

{Taehyung FF}  "Save Me"Where stories live. Discover now