Dance Studio Owner

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We got out of the neighborhood and went out into the city. The city was quite packed, people everywhere.  Taehyung seemed to be cautious once we started walking since he stayed by me and Jimin keeping his hands together not letting himself be free. He hugged himself and made his way through the people.

"Y/n, Do you think this is gonna work?" Jimin asked, he looked over at taehyung who seemed to be scared of the people.

"Im not sure, we have to try. Taehyung do you see anything familiar?"

He shook his head no.

We kept walking for about twenty minutes straight, just looking around the area. When I was about to give up and go back to the car Taehyung spoke up.

"Y-y/n, there." He pointed towards a dance studio on the other side of the street.

"There? The dance studio?" I questioned, he danced?


"Okay, let's go."

"It's called Dance With Hope" jimin said while reading the sign

"Nice. Maybe someone remembers him."

We walked in and saw many different dance rooms. There was a guy walking towards us and with a huge smile.

"Taehyung-ah!" He called out.

"H-Hobi." Taehyung remembered him.

"You know him Tae?" I looked over to see his facial expressions.

He nodded.

"Why wouldn't he know me? I'm one of his best friends and his dance teacher." He said throwing small hearts.

I found him quite energetic, a positive energy.

"Who owns this place?" Jimin said out of curiosity

"I do." The black haired man with the smile responded

"It looks so luxurious! I would love to take some classes here." Jimin said looking around at the classes on the side.

"Any friends of Taehyung are welcomed here."

"So, What's you're name?" I asked in case what Taehyung said was a nickname. I mean I've never met a "Hobi".

"Oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jung Hoseok." He bowed for us.

Not gonna lie Hoseok was very charming and handsome. He was really well mannered.

"How have you been Tae? Why haven't you come back! It's been years." He pouted and crossed his arms.

"Hoseok.. could I speak with you in private?" I asked

"Uh Sure, Jimin and Taehyung you guys can go into that dance room and hang out while we talk."

They left and we talked into one of the rooms as we stayed outside. I could see them both dance and having fun.

"So, why did we need to talk in private?" He questioned me as he leaned on the wall looking through the window.

"Taehyung, isn't here on the best terms."
"What do you mean?"

"He's not doing so good he's in a mental health facility, I'm his 'nurse'."

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