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Jimins Birthday Party-

I woke up early and went to help jimin on his decorations. We went for more of a 90's style. We worked on his backyard for the longest! It was all worth it once we were done though. His backyard looked great. Since we were done I decided to go home and get ready.

Once I got home I saw Taehyung on the couch with Hoseok.

"Hey guys." I greeted them as I walked in.

"Hey y/n!" Hoseok said with a huge smile on his face like always.

"Y/n! What time are we going to Jimins house?" Taehyung looked at me.

"When we are all ready. Hoseok, are you going to get ready?"

"Yea. I just need a jacket."

"I'm sure Taehyung can lend you something."
Taehyung nodded and they left to his room to get ready. I went upstairs to my room and got the outfit that I planned. It was a yellow and black plaid crop top and skirt plus some white heels.

Look above for reference
I took a shower and changed into my outfit. I then blow dried my hair and styled my hair. Once I finished I did some light makeup, I got my purse and went downstairs.

While I was walking down I saw Taehyung with his slightly mouth open.
"Yah! Stop drooling." Hoseok teased him ruffling his hair.
Taehyung shot a annoyed glare at hoseok and looked back.
"You look beautiful." He complimented me.
"T-Thanks." I blushed but you could hardly tell because I was wearing makeup or at least I hoped.

"Well? Let's go." I said to them.

"Okay!" They both shouted and left
I locked the door and we started walking to Jimins house since it wasn't far plus we were early.
We knocked and jimin let us into the living room so we could wait until everyone got here. We sat down and hoseok noticed something.

"Wait, Who is that in the picture?" He pointed at a small picture frame above the fire place.

"This one?" Jimin said holding a picture of himself when he was a tolddler


"It's me! We took this photo in our old house." He looked at the picture fondly.

"That's you?!" Hoseok said shocked.

"Yea, I know I'm adorable" He smiled.

"It's not tha- I mean you are adorable but you're that kid we used to hang out with."

"What do you mean?"
"A kid we used to play with but he moved away, you look just like him now that I think about it."

"I think I remember that.."
the conversation went on about how jimin was actually the boy they used to hang out with. He moved a while after, at least they found each other again. After a few minutes the rest of the guys arrived and after that a bunch of people from school showed up.


Jimin POV

"You did amazing on the decorations jimin!" A girl from my music class said as she looked around.

"Jimin, someone is outside looking for you." Hoseok said pointing over at the gate which connected us to the backyard.

"I'll go check it out." I said as I left them to hang out.

I went out to the front door and saw Chang-min...

"Hey." He said
"Hey, y-you shouldn't be here.." I didn't know how to react. Kick him out?

"I just... I'm sorry. It's eating me inside that I hurt you, I really did like you."

"Like... you told me you loved me, guess that wasn't true either." I sighed.

"I know and I get if you don't forgive me."
"Can we talk really quick?" He asked

"We are talking."
"Please? Follow me..." he started to walk away and I was curious as to what he wanted. I mean he already broke my heart. I agreed and followed him.

We sat on the bench I had at the front of my house and he spoke first.

"Jimin... I truly loved you. I just don't think it was the type of love for me to be in a relationship with you. I had to end it... I like a girl and I'm just confused and I'm sorry-" he started to blabber on so I cut him off.

"It's okay..." I kept my head facing down and I could feel my eyes getting watery but now wasn't the I looked up to face him.

"It is?" He questioned

"Yea, believe it or not I was also not feeling the relationship. I think I have feelings for a girl that has always been there for me. A girl that has protected me and I have protected her. She's really special to me and I'm sorry for this relationship."

After he told me he fell for a girl.. I started to think, who was always there for me? Y/n... and I don't know if I really like her but I do know that she was always there for me.

"Is it y/n?" He met my eyes and asked.

"Yea." I put my head down once again.

"Hey, it's okay. If you like her then go for it.." he had a small smile on his face.

"Thanks Chang-min." I sighed and got up.

"Don't let her escape." He looked up at me.

"I won't."
With that we went into the party and he went with a few of his friends and I went with mine.


I brought Jungkook out to dance while the other boys were eating.

"Sooo," He started
"Yea?" I looked at him.

"I know this probably isn't what you want to hear but I think Taehyung likes you. I know he's not like others and he's different but give him a-" he was speaking at a high speed that I needed to cut him off for a second.


"Breath." I Said laughing

"It's fine. Taehyung is a really good guy I just don't know if I'm the one that should date him."

"Don't push him to the side because he's different or because of his past." He honestly seemed concerned.

"I'm not Jungkook, I just- I don't know.. give me time to sort my feelings." I was honestly confused.. so many things kept me away from him. Maybe he was just meant to be a very good friend.

"I get it."

"Thanks." I smiled at him.

"Look at him, he's jealous of me dancing with you right now." He pointed out how taehyung was basically shooting daggers at Jungkook with his eyes.

I laughed

"Yea.. I guess he is."

We kept dancing. I hung out mostly with Taehyung and I noticed Chang-min was here which means him and jimin are probably on talking terms again. The day went by quickly from dancing to singing happy birthday to opening presents.
To be Continued

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