Shopping Time

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"Today! We will go to school and hoseok will pick us up. He will be taking us to the mall." I Announced at the kitchen table

"Okay." Taehyung said not even touching his food.

"Okay?" I asked

"Yea, okay." He looked up at me with some tired eyes. His voice made him sound off.
"Why do you sound so sad?"

"I'm not."
"You are!" I said. He has been going to the gym recently and he came back not too long ago so maybe that would have explained it. 

"Fine.. I just wanted to hang out with you today. As in like just you and me."

"A-A d-date?" My eyes popped out in shock.

"Yea.." He said in embarrassment putting his head back down to look at his pancakes.

"How about.. we go on a date tomorrow after school?" Maybe he meant date between two friends.

"Really?" He said
"Yea." I smiled
"Okay, you can't change your mind."
"I won't" I Said laughing

We finished our breakfast and we gathered our backpacks and finished getting ready. We said bye to my mom and headed to school.

Gym Class

"Okay, good morning everyone! Welcome to gym class once again. Today we will be doing track!" Almost everyone seemed to groan at the thought of running.

"Okay settle down. Give me two laps around the track!"

We all started to jog around the gym.

——————Time Skip—————

After school came quickly. I remembered I had to go to the psychiatric hospital again later today but I couldn't leave Taehyung alone.

A car slowly approached us then honked.
"Get in losers we're going shopping!"
I just rolled my eyes at the reference and giggled. Taehyung sat in the front seat as I stayed in the back.

"So, what kind of clothes are you looking for?" Hobi asked both of us.

"I was thinking we could buy a lot more clothes for Taehyung since he still doesn't have much."
"I see, what kind of style do you like Taehyung?"
"I don't know.."
"I think I know a store you might like actually." Hoseok looked at me and smiled.

We arrived at the mall. We started walking to the side where all the expensive stores are at. I had a bad feeling mostly because I didn't have much money to be able to buy these type of clothes.

"Hobi... don't you think we should go to the other side? You know.. where the clothes are less expensive?"

"Why? These might just be perfect."
"One item of clothing from any of these stores can make my bank account broke."

"Oh! You thought you were paying?"
"I mean, yea?"

"Oh no no no you are not about to pay. I have a friend that owns most of these stores. He was a good friend of mines and Taehyungs. Once I told him about finally seeing Taehyung he said we could get anything from the store for free."

"Really?" I said in shock. I mean I knew most of the guys have pretty good jobs especially hoseok since he owns a dance studio but I didn't know they had a lot of connections.
"Wow.. um okay then."

We started walking into most stores but none of them really suited Taehyung.

"We still have a few more stores to go through." Hoseok said

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