Trust Issues

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It was lunchtime and I was talking to Jimin before heading to the library right away. I wanted to give her some time to get there. 

"What's up Chang-min! I haven't talked to you since you got a new job." I greeted him with a smile.

"Hey, y/n! All three of us should hang out sometime."  He suggested.
"Of course, whenever you guys are free" I responded

"Jimin, I found Mina.."

"You did? How?" He asked shocked.

"Turns out she's in my math class."

"Really? Did you ask her about Taehyung?"

"No, I was about to go meet her at the library."

"Oh okay, hurry! Before she changes her mind and we don't find out about what happened."

I said my goodbyes to Jimin and Chang-min. I walked over to the library and sat in an area where there was hardly anyone. I waited for about 15 minutes but she didn't show up. I was about to stand up and leave but I saw her coming into the library. She saw me and walked over.

She sat across from me and put her books and bag down.

"Took you long enough." I rolled my eyes at her appearance. What took her so long to walk into a library?

"How much do you know?" She asked

"I wouldn't worry about that. I have a few questions for you."


"The main reason I'm talking to you. Kim Taehyung."

" hurry up and ask."

"Why did you leave home?"
"So, you do know a lot."

"Just answer."
"I'm sure Jin already told you if you know this much." 

"You're right he did but I need you to give me the answer."
"I see, well, I could feel I wasn't wanted mostly because of Taehyung. He was always the favorite. I'm not sure how. All the families I went to always chose him over me but Taehyung wouldn't let them adopt him without me also being adopted. I didn't bother going back to the adoption center since the same thing  was gonna happen again and again and again. To them he was so perfect. He played football in high school and was one of the best, on top of that his grades were so great. He wanted to go to the states to study at Harvard. Guess a little too late for that now huh"

"That doesn't give you a reason to bring Taehyung to a psychiatric hospital." I bit my lip trying not to go off on her after what she just said. This all came about because of jealousy?

"You're right, think of it as a present from me to him. Our families always left us or in this case, I left him." Taehyung already had trust issues and was going kinda mental."

"So you were the cause of him having trust issues."

"I mean... I guess? but I took him to a psychiatric hospital where they would take care of him. He was getting out of control and I could not babysit him any longer. He was my older brother not the other way around."

"You were just gonna leave for the United States as if nothing happened? As if you didn't have a family or a brother?"
"Yea. Pretty much, I had to fulfill his dream of Harvard after all. You know quite a lot. I'm surprised."  She smirked.

"You don't care for him at all?" How could a person be so cold... to a family member. It didn't make sense. Mostly when that family member seemed to take care of her making sure she wasn't left in the system alone. 

"He is my brother of course I do. I carry a photo with me all the time of him and the boys when we were younger."

"Can I see it?" Maybe there was someone in the photo I haven't been told of.
"I guess."

She took out the photo. It has six boys in the photo. Looks like they haven't met jin at that point. There were six boys but one of them looked oddly familiar.

"Can I take a photo of that?" I asked

"Don't worry about it."
"Weirdo... but I guess."

I took a photo and put my phone away. I was ready to leave.

"Mina, I hope someway somehow you have a change of heart and visit Taehyung or at least be there for him. I get it if you want to leave for the U.S, I think it would be for the best."

"Goodbye y/n." She looked at me one last time and decided to walk out.

"Bye Mina." I sighed at her mindset. At her in general, some people I will just never understand.
To Be Continued

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