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We picked Jimin up and headed to our destination. It was a very loud journey. I was glad that they all cherished Taehyung after all the time that was taken away from him. They kept talking to him and making him smile and laugh. Once we arrived everyone got out of the cars.

"A park? Really?" Yoongi Said from besides me.

"Yup! I need to monitor his actions and this is a way for all of you guys to hang out." I looked over at his unamused face.

"Not trying to be rude or anything but a park is a little way too childish." Yoongi looked around at the boys.

"Well, you're never too old to be at a park and have fun! Older people run here all the time and they play with their kids on the playground."

" I don't like exercise." He sighed just at the thought of it.

"Again that's too bad because I need to monitor him, now all of you go and have fun!"

"What about you?" Jin said
"I'm too old to be on a playground." I joked and looked over at yoongi.

Yoongi just rolled his eyes and followed the rest. We were at the park for quite a while. Jimin seemed to get along with everyone especially Jungkook. Jungkook, Tae, and Jimin were playing around while the older ones were trying to keep them safe.

Jin was having a breakdown when he saw Tae trying to go down the pole. I can't imagine what he does  when his daughter goes down the slide.

I learned more about the guys. Jin has a daughter and a girlfriend who he wants to propose soon to. Yoongi actually has a girlfriend surprisingly, from what I've heard she's the total opposite of him but I guess they balance each other out.

Namjoon doesn't have a girlfriend but is talking to a girl he met a few months ago back in America. Turns out Namjoon travels to all sorts of places. Hoseok also doesn't have a girlfriend. He's actually really young just like Namjoon and he just wants to focus on his dancing career for now.

Jungkook is trying to become more famous for his singing by joining a bunch of programs/ shows. He's a little too shy to have a girlfriend in my opinion but I could be totally wrong.

They all looked so happy which made me even sadder but also happy. I'm sad that Taehyung is going through this instead of just being with them. I'm happy because I'm the one to help him and because I met all his amazing friends.

After a few minutes Yoongi started to walk back to the bench I was sitting on.

"I'm too tired to be over there." He said out of breath.

"Do you think I can help him?" I questioned, I wanted to.. but could I? I said it without thinking just wrapped in my own thoughts. 

"Y/n.. honestly, I don't know. Maybe, maybe not but what I do know is that you're amazing for doing this for him and letting us meet him again. Taehyung has always been a amazing friend. If he wasn't in that hospital and was here with us normally I would totally ship you guys together." He teases and chuckled.

That made me blush. Could I ever be with him..? What am I thinking.. I would only be able to be with him as a friend... as a nurse.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Taehyung POV:

The next day I woke up early in the morning. There were only a few nurses walking around and most of the patients were asleep.

I went out back into the garden to play the guitar y/n gifted me.

"Taehyung?!" A nurse called out

I looked back and saw a nurse standing with a girl next to her. She seemed familiar.

{Taehyung FF}  "Save Me"Where stories live. Discover now