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It was early in the morning and my mom said she talked to the principal about Taehyung going to school. My mom is really involved in the school so she became good friends with our principal, it was Farley easy to sign him up. I went to the guest room where Taehyung stayed and I saw him sitting on his desk looking around.

"Whatcha doin?" I said playfully.

"This is so cool! There is a laptop here, I can play games." He said like a child which made my heart feel all warm

"Yea, well you're gonna have to wait to play games until after school."
"What?" He looked at me confused while raising his eyebrow.

"You're going to school with me remember?"

"Ohhh Yea! With Jimin too right?" He said with a huge smile.

"Yep so let's get you dressed." I said motioning for him to follow me.


I walked over to his closet and found some clothes. My cousin left some clothes behind in his last visit. I guess he wanted to keep some here for the next time he visited.

I picked out a nice black T-shirt and black pants. Then I found some black shoes which fit him perfectly and a belt as an accessory.

"This outfit is missing something" I said looking at him.

"A watch!"

I picked out a silver watch and put it on his wrist. Then I got some silver necklaces and styled his hair a bit.

"I look...expensive." He said looking himself in the mirror.

"Yea, you do." I said laughing.
"Well let's go! We are gonna be late to school. I'm picking up jimin." 

We said bye to my mom and she told me that she arranged it so that he had classes with me and Jimin so I could keep an eye on him Incase of anything. I picked up Jimin and we got to school.

Once we got to school we got out of my car.
"Remember don't talk to anyone except the teachers okay?" Said Jimin
"Stick with us."

We walked up to the front doors of the school and we could hear people whispering.

"Woah, is that a new student?"

"He looks rich."

"I think I found my new boyfriend."

"In your dreams."

We quickly went in and got to class. Everyone was staring but I shrugged it off and kept walking.

"Y/n." Taehyung whispered leaning to my side.

"Where are the others? Do they not go to school?" He looked around at the other students.

"N-No they don't. You will see them later okay?"
He nodded

Class started

"So I hear there is a new student. Please come up and introduce yourself."

Taehyung got up and looked at me worried I just nodded and smiled and he presented himself.

"Hello, my name is Kim Taehyung. It's nice to meet you all." He bowed at the class then looked over at the teacher.

"Anyone have any questions for Taehyung?" The teacher asked
A girl raised her hand

"Yes?" Taehyung looked over at the girl.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" She questioned.


"Really who!?" She said curiously.

"Y/n." He responded. My eyes went wide in shock.

"What? Why her?"

"Settle down. Taehyung you can have a seat wherever you like." He came back to his desk and and looked at me and made his box smile.

"Why would you say that?!" I whispered.

"Are you not my girl friend?" He said with a pout jokingly.

I turned away and looked at the lesson because I felt my face getting hot.

Class ended quickly and soon enough the rumor of us dating spread like a wild fire. Everyone knew, I'm not sure why they took so much Interest into it but I didn't care. I let it go and didn't go back to the topic since we weren't actually dating.

We headed to music class together where Jimin, Taehyung, and I all have the same class. Class soon started after we arrived.

"Good morning everyone! Today we will be working on a duo project. Lately I have been having you do solo things. Today I will be choosing a partner for each of you since we have a even class. Any questions? No. Okay"

We all waited for our names to be called.
Jimin got paired up with a girl named liliana? I think her name was. She was a American exchange student.

If by any chance you were wondering where Chang-min has been, well, Jimin and Him have been on the rocks lately. They haven't been at the best of terms  because Chang-min almost always works.

"Okay, lastly, y/n I will pair you with Taehyung since you two seem to know each other. Is that okay?"
"Yea, that's fine." I nodded at her.
"Great! Now class, you may start working on you duet together."

Taehyung and I both started to come up with lyrics and finished a song in about 30 minutes which was quick but it still needed some editing. The teacher soon came up to us.

"Y/n, since you haven't really presented much to the class in the years you have been in this high school why don't you do a solo song after everyone's performances? Does that sound good?"

"Yea, that's fine.."
She nodded and walked off.

"Are you going to write your own song?!" Taehyung screamed In happiness.

"Maybe, maybe not?"
"You have to! Your lyrics are always really amazing."
"I'll think about it. Let's get back to practicing."

The day passed by quickly and it was after school already. Jimin said he was going to talk to Chang-min about something and that he would catch up with us later. Taehyung and I both decided to pay Namjoon and the boys a visit since they haven't really seen him since the incident.

Once we arrived to the coffee shop I saw Jungkook, Namjoon, and Jin hanging out.

"Hey guys!" I screamed to get their attention
"Y/n! Taehyung!" Jungkook yelled
"Hey Namjoon, Hey Jin, Hey Jungkook." Tae said
"Wait..." Namjoon Said

"He remembers us?"
"Yea, I'll tell you more later."

"Do you guys wanna go bowling?" Taehyung said as he thought of the idea his eyes sparkled.

"Wait, why isn't he stuttering?" Jin asked
"Oh that, the doctor said he's back to "normal" so he is back to his old self. You know before the incident."

"Really?!" Jungkook said
"Yea, so do you guys wanna go bowling with us?" I asked

They all nodded and we left.

Who knew what would happen that day.

To be Continued:

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