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"Hey y/n, I wanted to talk to you." I Said as we sat down in the coffee shop.

"What's up?" She answered

"I-uh kind of.." I said trying to find words to express what I meant.

Before I could say anything a woman walked over to us.

"Hello, can one of you two help me with something in the kitchen? Namjoon is not here and you're the only people here." She said looking at both of us.

"I'll go." Y/n offered as she stood up.

"Great! Thank you." The lady said as she walked away waiting for y/n to follow behind her.

"Taehyung I'll be right back so you can tell me what you needed to, Okay?" She said

"Yea that's fine." I said

I sat there waiting for her to come back but it seemed like forever. Everything was going fine until I had pain in my head. My vision got blurry as it does when someone has tears in their eyes. Only issue was that mine didn't have tears. I tried looking for y/n but the pain became even worse.

I decided to leave the coffee shop and walk to the hospital which was only a few blocks away.


As I walked in the scent of alcohol hit my nose. I found it soothing.. for some odd reason. I walked looking for Joy or Y/n's mom. I went to the back garden where all the patients sat at.

I always wondered why I had to get my head checked here.. why not a normal hospital?

I walked towards one of the benches and held onto it for support as I kept looking for someone. I sat down, not being able to bear the head pain.

I sighed.

"H-Help.." I said in a low voice as I waited for someone. My eyes grew heavy and they soon shut.

The darkness..
It was scary but it felt like a memory almost.

"Hello Kim Taehyung" a familiar voice said.

"M-Mom." My voice cracked

"Hello, I've missed you." She smiles at me. She looked so young. Her long brown hair and beatific porcelain skin.

"M-Me too. Why can't I remember anything else about you.. or the others." I closed my eyes trying to focus.

"It's okay Taehyung you will know soon." She said going near me to hug me.


"I have to go but I will always be with you. I promise." Her voice was soothing and I nodded frozen in my own thoughts.

Another voice came out of no where. "See Taehyung everyone leaves you." They chuckled.

"W-Who are you." I shook my head trying to get the familiar voice away.

"You don't remember me? Figures.. well don't worry I'll always be by your side." The voice started to have a figure.. before I could see who it was my eyes opened.

I looked out at the soothing garden and saw Joy in front of me.

"A-Are you okay?" Joy said trying to regain my attention.

"Y-yea im fine." I smiled, the pain finally gone.
To Be Continued

HELLOOOO I've missed updating this story. Since my break this story has gained a lot more popularity than I had ever imagined. Thank you to those who kept on reading. I'm finally back, I got a new phone for my birthday today which will hopefully improve my uploading schedule. Thank you for sticking with this story, I hope you enjoyed 💕💓💗💖💘

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