New Patient

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It was the next day and I had classes to attend. I came to an agreement with my mother that I would go after school. I got out of bed and put on my uniform which was freshly ironed. I then went downstairs and got my backpack which sat next to the door.

"Bye Mom, I'll see you in the afternoon!" I yelled as I put on my shoes by the door and walked out.

"Bye sweetie!"

I walked over to my car to drive to school. 


If I had to describe my school life I'd say boring. I was a well known student but I wasn't popular.   I don't have much drama and I mind my own business. I have a person I hang out all the time with. His name is Park Jimin. He's pretty much my Best friend since middle school when we met at a Play the school was holding, he was new to the school. 

"Y/n! How was your first day at the psychiatric hospital yesterday?" He came up to me with a big smile which warmed my heart. 

"It went well, there was a incident though." I said thinking back at what happened. We talked as we walked to class. 

"Incident?" He asked curiously.

"Yea, one of the patients had a little breakdown but after a while he looked like he calmed down. They took him to his room to rest I think."

"Oh, well do you know his illness?" He asked. 

"Not yet, but I want to find out what it is. He looked really young so I feel bad for him."

"Wow.. I hope all goes well for him." Jimin added and I nodded in agreement.

"How was working at the bank!?" I redirected the attention to him. The school required us to get an internship our senior year to get experience and help us in the future with our degrees or job experience. 

"It was so boring! But not too bad I think it will pick up in the next few days." He shrugged hoping he wasn't stuck with a boring internship. 

Jimin has a really kind heart and is always there for me. He's bi though don't get me wrong, he actually has a boyfriend. His boyfriend is almost exactly like him too which makes them so perfect for each other. His name is Chang-min.

"Chang-min and I are gonna go to the amusement park in the afternoon if you want to come with us?" He offered but I had to decline. It would be like I'm a third wheel. 

"No it's okay, I'm gonna go back to the psychiatric hospital today. I told my mom I would and I don't want to disappoint her." 

"Oh okay." He pouted jokingly.

"You guys enjoy your date." I smiled at him and ruffled his hair making the pout fade away.

All my classes flew by really quickly. School was finally over and I said goodbye to Chang-min and Jimin at the front gate. I walked over to my car and drove off to the hospital. 

I got my badge and hung it around my neck displaying it for everyone to see. I walked in towards my mother's office after I got through security. 

"Hey sweetie." She greeted me with a smile as she looked up from her paper work. 

"Hi mom." I sat down in the chair in front of her. Swinging my feet a bit waiting for her to tell me what we were going to do today. 

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