Birthday Surprise

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Namjoon POV

"Get to your places!" I yelled at the boys.

"We would if jin didn't keep coming in pretending to be y/n and Taehyung!" Yoongi scoffed.

"Just saying... my birthday past and y'all didn't throw me a party." Jin crossed his arms.

"Whatever, hurry up and get to your place. Ji-hye is with Jimin." Hoseok responded

"I got a message from kook that they are almost here! Places everyone."

Everyone got to their places and I went to turn off the lights.


"Jungkook, wanna explain why you wanted to get late night ice cream?" I asked confused at this boys weird spontaneous decision.

"I was bored and there isn't a better time to get ice cream than at night!" He stayed confidently.

"Right.." I raised my eyebrow.

"Well, I'll buy it for you guys. What do you want Tae?"

"Chocolate ice cream."

"How about you Y/n?"

"Mint chocolate chip ice cream."

Taehyung looked at me with a disgusted face.

"What? It's good." I said and he shook his head in disagreement.

"Okay, just don't let Namjoon see you with that." He winked and left to get our ice creams.
"The mint chocolate chip hater, got it." I chuckled.

Taehyung and I went to sit down while he bought our ice creams.

"So, Taeeee how do you like your birthday so far?"
"It's been fun!" His eyes lit up and smiled.

"We haven't done anything and it's fun?"
"Yea, being with you is fun." He smiled with his boxy smile.
"Whatever, stop being cheesy." I chuckled

"I'm back!"
"About time, also aren't you forgetting something?" I questioned him. He couldn't have forgotten it was our birthday right?

"Uhh, not that I know of." He looked at us innocently and confused.

"Oh really?"

"Yea." He handed us our ice creams.

"There aren't two words you wanna tell us?"

"Fine, just know that you're not getting any presents." I Said and walked ahead of him which Taehyung soon caught up with me.

—————TIME SKIP—————

The walk back to my house was me and Jungkook basically arguing about him forgetting those two words.

Once we arrived Jungkook insisted of following us inside because he forgot his jacket.
"Fine.. come in."
I opened the door and saw a bunch of people pop out of different places.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAE AND Y/N!" They all screamed
I was in shock and saw Jungkook smirking from besides me. I punched him lightly and he made a fake hurt face.

"Woah.. this looks amazing." Taehyung said
"We had some difficulties planning this but I hope you enjoy it." Namjoon Said glaring at jin who just responded with a smile.

"Well happy birthday." Yoongi said
"Thank you." Both I and Tae said unison

"Well, What are you two waiting for? We have two cakes and a bunch of presents!!" Jimin said from behind Jungkook which almost made him not visible.

Our birthday went amazing, we had tons of presents and I didn't even know we had this many friends. Of course Joy came to the party and she bought me a beautiful dress and for Taehyung she bought a watch.
The cake tasted amazing and it turns out Jins wife helped bake it with of course help from Ji-Hye and Jin.
To be Continued

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