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Madison POV

It was a surprisingly sunny day in Melbourne today. I was sitting on my couch in my small Richmond home, looking at my 2 dogs, Piper and Daisy. They were just staring out the window, admiring the beautiful day it was in Melbourne. It was my day off today but I really just wanted to chill, but I can't. I thought I would get off of the couch and take them to the dog park. I really needed to clear my head anyway. My life has been steady but lately everything is just coming back to me and distracting me from what I need to focus on. I can't stop thinking about what is going wrong in my life. It all just dwelled on me, I needed a distraction.

My brother Matthew was currently at Jack Silvagni and Jacob Weiterings house today probably just playing video games with my boys. I've been best friends with those boys since I was 16. They are like my older brothers, they protect me at all costs. Ever since my dad died when I was 16, the whole club has been so close with my family and I.

I texted my best friends Grace and Monique to see if they could join me but they said they were both at Jack and Jacobs house playing video games with the boys. They invited me to come but I didn't really want to be around everyone right now.

I grabbed the keys to my jeep, my phone, some money and put my dogs on the lead and headed out the door. I popped the dogs in the back of the car and drove to my favourite dog park in Melbourne. It wasn't a long drive to the park which was lucky for me. When I arrived I let the dogs off of the leads and started to walk the lap I usually do around the park.

When I was half way around the park, Daisy started to do a poo right in the middle of the path. I grabbed a doggy bag from the lead and I leaned down to pick it up, while I was down I heard barking and yelling but I just ignored it, it wasn't one of my dogs so it was okay. As soon as I stood up I saw a huge kelpie charging towards me. The big dog came running over with Piper and Daisy and knocked me to the ground. Then he started licking my face and wagging his tail at a rapid pace. When I fell I hit my head a little bit but it was nothing serious just a slight headache. The 3 dogs ran away to play together while I was sitting on the ground. I was about to stand up when I see a tall figure jogging towards me. I was looking down at the ground cause during the whole incident I had managed to lose a shoe.

"Are you okay?" I hear from the tall figure hovering above me.

"Uh, yeah thanks" I say still looking at the ground

"Here, let me help you up" the figure says putting out a hand to help me up

Before I reach out I look up to the figure to meet these sweet but rich brown eyes. I grabbed the hand and stood up straight away. I looked some more at this mysterious figure whose dog was still full of energy. I realised that I think I recognise him.

"Are you okay?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"Uh, yeah I'm fine" I smiled back at him.

"I'm sorry about Reggie, he gets really excited when he meets new people" he stated

"Thats okay, so do my dogs, so I get it" I laughed

"Okay good cause some people take it way to serious and tell me my dog needs to be put down" he explained.

"That's awful" I replied. "Why would someone do that, he is so cute" I chuckled. By now the 3 dogs had come back to join our conversation. I started petting the other dog who's name I think is Reggie.

I looked back up at the boy who I had now realised who he was during our long conversation.

"I'm Charlie-" he stated as he put out his hand for me to shake. He didn't get to finish his introduction.

"Charlie Curnow" I spat out. I then through my hands over my face in embarrassment. I can't believe I just said that, he probably thinks I'm a creep now.

"Uh, yeah haha how did you know" he chuckled back at me. "Wait a second, I recognise you from somewhere" he added.

"Oh really?" I reluctantly said. Whenever I met someone new I was always recognised as Matthew Kennedy's little sister. Not Madison Kennedy, Carlton AFLW Captain.

"You play AFLW for Carlton don't you?, I've seen you around the club before" he said.

I looked up at the tall, incredibly good looking boy in disbelief. Not once had anyone identified me that way. I couldn't believe he just did. "Um yeah I'm Madison Kennedy, I'm Matthew Kennedy's little sister " I replied honestly.

"What? You're chowders little sister? You are not what I pictured at all" he said.

"Really? Well what did you picture?" I questioned him.

"Um I don't know, you are just really beautiful and he's you know, not I guess" he laughed as he said and I swear he was slightly blushing.

"Thanks Curnow, you're not so bad yourself" I said suddenly gaining some courage to say that. I then realised I kind of liked this guy and my whole body told me to run away. I wasn't 100% sure if I was ready for a relationship at this point in my life. "I better go now, I guess I'll see you at training tomorrow" I said trying to prevent my feelings from growing for this guy.

"Oh okay, uh yeah see you tomorrow" he said sounding sad.

I started to walk away with Piper and Daisy when I heard Charlie call out to me. "Hey Madison wait!" he called out.

"I would really be kicking myself later if I left now, do you wanna maybe keep walking with me?" He asked.

I was taken back by his question. This guy really wanted to get to know me and I think I wanted to get to know him too. "I would really like that" I said ignoring what my body was telling me and doing what I really wanted to do.

We then walked together with our 3 dogs through the park, laughing and taking, just trying to get to know one another.



Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Meant To Be. Let me know what other AFL players you would like me to write about. Thank you!

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