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5 months later

Mads POV

I was heavily pregnant and completely over it. I was about to pop any day now and to be honest, I wanted to. I wanted this baby out of me. The baby was due on the 20th of January and it was the 23rd. I was sitting on the couch watching some tv while Charlie was out walking the dogs. I would have gone with him but the baby was really kicking. I went to the bathroom every 5 minutes because the baby was pushing on my bladder a lot. I sat back down on the couch after going to the bathroom for the 300th time in one day. It was 6:00 and I was desperately craving so Charlie was bringing back some dinner on the way back from the walk.

I stood up again after 10 minutes and began walking to the bathroom. I walked with my hands on my back to support myself. I then felt a sharp, shooting pain hit my stomach. I bent down using the kitchen bench to keep me up. I then felt water fall beneath me and onto the floor. It was my water breaking. I looked up in shock. I was alone at home and I was going into labour. I held my bump as I tried to calm my breathing and think of what to do about he situation. I then heard Charlie walk through the door.

"Babe! I'm home" he announced as he walked through the door. I didn't say anything because I was still in shock, I was going to have a baby, now. The dogs came running ahead of him into the room. Piper, Daisy and Reggie ran over to me and jumped on me. Charlie eventually walked into the kitchen from around the corner. He had a smile on his face as he held up the takeaway food he had brought home. His smile faded as he saw me struggling in the kitchen. He dropped the food and ran over to me. "Babe what happened?" he asked as he put a hand on my back and one on my stomach.

"My water broke Charlie" I said as I screamed in pain.

"What? Now? Okay let's go" he said sounding panicked. His tone then changed to a relaxed tone knowing that he would stress me out if he was freaking out. "I'll get the bag and you stay here, then we can go" he said running into the bedroom to get the hospital bag.

"Hurry please" I begged him. He ran out of the room and grabbed my hand with the suitcase in his other hand. He lead me out the front door and put the bag in the car. He opened the car door for me and helped me in. He then got in himself and drove to the hospital.

The whole ride there, Charlie was helping me calm down my breathing and help me with the pain. When we reached the hospital, Charlie quickly pulled up and parked wonkily. He helped me get out and supported me as we walked through to the labour ward. When we got there, they brought me a wheel chair and wheeled me to our room. I think Charlie was panicking more than me. I could hear his heavy breathing from next to me. They took me into my room and helped me on the bed. The nurse gave me a hospital gown to change into. One I changed, I limped back over to the bed. I leaned over and held my stomach from the pain. Charlie came up behind me to comfort me from the pain. The doctor then walked through the door.

"Hello Madison, Charlie" The doctor said as she walked into the room.

"Hi" I said as I let the look on my face tell her everything I was feeling.

Everyone started rushing around the room which made me panic a little. I wasn't sure what was going on but I felt nervous. I cuddled up to Charlie's side as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

I had been in labour for 6 hours and it was already 1:00 in the morning. I couldn't sleep, either could Charlie. We were both waiting and waiting for this baby. The doctor then came in for the 50th time and came and checked on me. Charlie was still sat behind me in the exact same spot.

She decided that it was time for me to meet my baby boy. I started to get excited but afraid of the pain I faced. Charlie stood by my side as everything was getting prepared.

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