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Mads POV

My pregnancy had gone in the blink of an eye. I was already 4 months along which meant I could find out the gender of the baby. We decided to combine our baby shower and gender reveal to make it easier. It was the day for it and Charlie and I were really excited. Since I was 4 months along, my bump was definitely growing. I had a smallish bump but you could definitely notice it.

We had organised the shower to be on the top of a nice restaurant in the city. I had invited all our friends and family to come find out with us. It was going to be a party but not too hectic. We had organised this shop to give us a balloon filled with confetti to reveal to everyone, including us. It was a cute way of finding out instead of reading it from an envelope. I also couldn't wait. I was a very impatient person so there was no way I was going to wait till the baby was born. That was another 5 months away. I wouldn't last at all.

I was heading over to the restaurant early with Charlie. We wanted to make sure everything looked alright and it was all sorted out. I got dressed into an appropriate baby shower outfit. It was just a cute dress and white sneakers. I had a shower and put on the outfit. I put on my gold chain necklaces and some rings that were starting to not fit on my fingers. That was my least favourite part about pregnancy. Like I loved being pregnant and seeing my baby grow inside of me but I hated things not fitting me anymore. It was starting to irritate the crap out of me.

I put on some makeup and perfume and packed a bag with everything I needed. I met Charlie in the kitchen and he helped me carry the bag down to the car. We brought the dogs in the boot with us because they are like family and I didn't want to leave them at home alone. Charlie wasn't thrilled with the idea at first but I convinced him. It was a dog friendly restaurant to be fair. Charlie helped me down to the car and we both got in. Charlie pulled away from the house and drove us to the restaurant. When we got there we parked the car in underground parking and got out with some extra decorations and stuff. We went up to the roof top with he owner who we had become friends with through the club. He was a carlton supporter so that's pretty much how we got this space for our event.

The roof was decorated with pink and blue. There was an assortment of food on a table and balloons all around the place. It was looking super professional. I almost couldn't believe it was for my baby.

I put my bag down and went over to the balloon that was tied to the ground. I made sure everything was set up ready for everyone to arrive.


Everyone had arrived in a short amount of time. I just wanted to pop the balloon. I kept having the urge to just go over and do it myself. That's how impatient I was with this surprise. Everyone was chatting and enjoying the party. It seemed to be a success so far which was good. Charlie went up to the front and called me over. We didn't have a microphone so he had to speak loudly.

"Mads and I just wanted to thank everyone for coming today because this baby is very special to us and we can't wait to meet him or her, so let's find out what we're having" he announced. Everyone cheered and clapped as Charlie and I walked over to the balloon. We stood either side and both held a pin next to it. I took a deep breath and looked at Charlie. He gave me a wink and I leaned over and gave him a kiss.

"Are you ready?" Charlie asked everyone. They cheered and screamed louder. "Let's count down from 5" he said.

"5.....4.....3.....2" we all counted down together. Once it got to 1 I pushed the pin into the balloon the same time as Charlie. The balloon instantly popped and I watched as the blue confetti flew up in the air and fell to the ground. My jaw dropped to the floor. We were having a baby boy. I put my hands over my mouth in shock. Happy tears flowing from my eyes. It was all becoming so real for me. I was having a baby soon and my life will definitely change for the better. Charlie put his hands on his head and looked as shocked and as happy as I did. He jumped up and down a bit before walking straight towards me and picking me up. He put me back on the ground and placed a short kiss on my lips. I put my hands on his face and looked him deep in the eyes.

"We're having a boy" I said to him.

"I love you" He just said back and kissed me again. Then we realised there was a whole party of people who were celebrating the same news. I looked at everyone's faces. They were all as shocked and as happy as we were. I went over and hugged my mum, brother and sister and then Charlie's family. I hugged all my friends and the rest of the people that were there.

The rest of the party we just talked and celebrated the baby. I chatted with everyone at the party and they all told me how excited they were for the baby. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't the slightest bit nervous for this baby. I thought I was ready for a baby but a part of me wasn't sure if I would be a good enough mum. I knew Charlie would be a great dad, no matter what, he was just that type of person. I loved kids but growing up I was never sure if raising them was for me. I was snapped out of my deep thoughts as Charlie kissed me on the forehead.

"Babe? You okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah, yeah just thinking" I told him with a smile.

"Okay, want to go soon?" He asked me.

"Yeah sure I'm exhausted" I told him.

"I know come on let's go" he said. He helped me up from the chair and I said goodbye to everyone. I walked down stairs and got in the car. Charlie got in and drove us home. When we got home, I went straight to the toilet because this baby was pressing on my bladder the whole time. I came out of the bathroom and sat on the couch. Charlie was watching some tv. He came closer to me on the couch and wrapped his arm around my side.

We sat like that for most of the night, I was getting up every 10 minutes to go to the toilet. Charlie cooked some pasta for dinner and we ate it while watching The Bachelorette. Charlie wasn't really into it. He was kind of on his phone which was completely expected. But he watched it with me to keep me company. He knew I enjoyed it so he tolerated it just to please me.

I knew I was scared to be a parent but I also knew that I wouldn't back out of this and I wouldn't run away from my fears because I would love this baby boy more than anything in the whole word.



Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed the second last chapter of 'Meant To Be'!  Don't be alarmed though! There is an epilogue coming after that!

Then the process for my new book release will begin! Intros and characters list will be released shortly after the end of this book!

Please vote and comment as much as you can for these last few chapters! It would mean so much!

Also we are almost at 10k reads! It's absolutely the crazy to think and I would love to get there soon!

Thank you, love you all x

Thank you, love you all x

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