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Not sure if you guys will like this chapter but here it is :))

Mads POV

Today was Mikayla and Angus's engagement party. I was currently in the shower, getting ready for the party. I had to go at 12:00 so I could help Kayla and my Mum set up before everyone arrived. I was washing my hair and shaving you know, everything. I was almost done when Charlie walked in looking like a zombie. His head was hung low, I think he was tired. He went over to the toilet and sat with the lid still on. I opened the shower door that creaked as I did and put my towel around me.

"You alright?" I asked him.

"I'm so tired" he yelled as he dragged his hands down his face in agony.

"Go back to bed, I'll come back and get you at 4:00, be ready" I told him.

"I will. don't stress about anything okay?" he told me and I nodded. He embraced me in a hug and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. We then both left the bathroom and I put on the outfit I lay out on my bed earlier. I put on my spotted emerald wrap dress and white sneakers. I put on my everyday makeup with a bit of extra eye makeup. I put on some perfume and my gold 3 chain necklaces. Charlie had gone back to sleep so I just kissed his forehead gently before I walked out the door. I drove to Mums house, Kayla was already there. I got out of the car and walked straight through the door of the 2 story townhouse I grew up loving. I walked through to the backyard. Kayla and Mum were blowing up balloons while Angus's mum was setting the tables.

"Hi everyone" I said as I walked down the stairs and onto the grass. Mums dog Sadie ran up to me and jumped all over me with excitement.

"Hey Mads, Thank you so much for coming to help" Mikayla said giving me the biggest hug.

"Hi sweetie" my mum greeted me.

"Hello Madison, long time no see" Angus's mum said kissing me on each cheek. After that I put my bags down and Mikayla put me straight to work.


It's been 3 and a 1/2 hours and I was on my way to pick up Charlie and go back to the party. I drove back home and walked inside. Charlie walked out from the bedroom dressed in a nice dress shirt and jeans.

"Don't you look handsome" I said leaning up kissing him on the lips.

"Thanks gorgeous" he said as he pulled away from the kiss. I went into the bathroom to touch up my hair with some more curls. I retouched my makeup and grabbed my handbag. Charlie was waiting in the car already. I got in the car and turned up the radio. We drove back to my mums house. There were already a ton of cars here. We parked a couple of houses down to leave room for others to park. We both got out and walked up to the house hand in hand. I knocked on the door and it was answered by Angus's younger brother Andrew.

"Hey Andy" I said giving him a hug.

"Mads, haven't seen ya in a while" he said.

"Yeah cause your all the way in Perth" I said jokingly. He laughed and so did I. Charlie and I then exchanged a look. I turned back to Andy.

"Andy this is my boyfriend Charlie" I told him.

"I'm Andrew, nice to meet you" he said shaking Charlie's hand.

"Charlie" Charlie replied. Andy then let us in and we made our way out to the back of the house. We went to the tables that I had set up earlier.

Mikayla and Gus came up to us 10 minutes later greeting everyone who came to the party. "Hey Charlie, glad you could come" Angus said shaking his hand and doing their man greeting thing.

"Gus's sister is here, you guys should come meet her" Kayla said pulling me inside.

"Yeah sure" I said following her. I looked around to Charlie and Gus who had weird looks on their faces. They were having a chat about something, I was sure it was nothing bad, but they looked worried. I made eye contact with both of them worryingly but they both gave me fake smiles.

We walked down the hall to the living room. I looked to the far window to see a tall slim blonde girl facing her back to me. She was in conversation with Angus's parents. My heart rate increased as I walked closer. I wasn't completely sure why but I think her beauty was intimidating to me. It's like everything began going in slow motion. From the way she turned around to the smile on her face. Head to toe, she was absolutely perfect. Time started going back to normal motion again when she wrapped me in a hug.

"I'm Danielle, you must be Madison" she said.

"Yeah, nice to meet you" I said as I looked at her as she was making her way over to Charlie and Angus who were standing in the corner of the room. I left the living room with Mikayla, surprised at what I just saw.

"Wow, she's stunning" I admitted to Mikayla.

"I know right" Kayla said as we walked back outside. Before we walked outside I glanced over at Danielle who was talking and laughing with Charlie. Angus was standing next to them but talking to someone else. I looked at Charlie once more and he looked me dead straight in the eyes, but he looked back to Danielle fairly quickly. I decided to just ignore it because I trust Charlie and I wanted to enjoy the party.


It was currently 8:00 and I had been at this stupid party for 4 hours. I had been talking to Grace, Mon and the boys all night since Charlie had spent the whole night talking to Danielle on the couch. I went to the kitchen and got another drink. I watched them chat from the other room. Grace came over and rubbed my back soothingly. "Are you okay babe?" She asked me.

"Besides the fact that my boyfriend has ignored me all night, and is talking to some beautiful girl over there, then yeah I'm doing good" I said sarcastically. "Sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that. I just don't know why I get no explanation for why he is ignoring me, like did I do something wrong?" I told her.

"I'm so sorry Mads, I had no idea" she said glaring over at Charlie.

"Thanks babe, we'll just see what he has to say" I said to her.

30 minutes later, everyone was outside chatting. Except for Charlie and Danielle. They were still chatting and sitting on the couch. He hadn't come over once to talk to me since she got here. I don't know what is going on. I don't understand how we went from being all loved up to me not wanting to talk to him at all. I didn't even want to now how or why they knew each other.

I finally decided that I couldn't take it any longer and to talk to them about what was going on. I walked into the living room only to find them not in there. I looked over to the kitchen and just as I did, Danielle grabbed Charlie's face and just kissed him. My heart sank to my stomach. I felt the tears swarm in my eyes as I watched Charlie kiss her back. The tears were now flooding down my cheeks. My world just came crashing down around me.

I ran out of the room without either of them noticing that I saw them. I suddenly ran into 2 people stopping me from running away. My aching body collapsed to the floor. I looked ahead to see Mon and Grace standing in front of me. They instantly knew something was wrong. They held on to my hands and took me to the bathroom.

"Mads, what's wrong" Mon said bending down to me. I was sitting on the edge of the bath in my mums bathroom.

"H-he kissed h-her, right i-in front of me" I said sobbing.

"No he didn't" Mon said standing up shocked at what I just told her. Grace bent down to me and hugged me tightly.

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