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Mads POV

I woke up this morning kind of not believing the events of last night. I was back with Charlie, no interruptions, no distractions, just him and I. I was just chilling at Mums house, I had packed most of my boxes to move back in with Matt. I didn't have much of a plan today. I wanted to see Charlie and talk to him cause we had a lot of catching up to do. I wasn't sure how he would act. He was super relaxed all of last night. Acting like we picked up right where we left off. I think for me it would take some getting used to us being together again. I wasn't sure if Charlie felt the same but I didn't want to rush anything. In case something went wrong. If it did, I would be devastated. I was going to put all my energy into it though, that's how badly I want it to work. I had no idea if Charlie felt the same, I just assumed because he was the one who confessed all that he did to me last night. I was heading over to his place right now just to hang out. I think we were going to go out for lunch and then just hang out around town. I put on some leggings and my light blue champion jumper. We were going to have a dog reunion with the dogs cause they hadn't seen each other in a while. Reggie was their best friend and they always loved playing together. It was another negative of Charlie and I being separated.

I hooked them up to the lead and walked out the front door. I opened the car door for Daisy to jump in the back. I lifted Piper into the passengers seat. I pulled out of the drive way and started driving to Charlie's. When I got there it was just his car in the drive way. I knocked on the door softly. He answered a few seconds later. His eyes expanded as he saw me standing there. He picked me up off the ground and spun me around.

"Hey" He said as he put me back on the ground and walked inside. He couldn't wipe the smile off his face.

"Hi" I said shutting the front door as I walked inside. I followed him to his room as he sat on the bed. He lay on the bed and I sat next to him, he then shot up off the bed rubbing the back of his head. It was very strange.

"Wanna go for lunch?" I asked him trying to forget the awkwardness.

"Yeah, just let me get changed" he told me as he walked into the bathroom. He came out 5 minutes later with some shorts and a hoodie on. I stood up off the bed and went to get the dogs. Reggie was outside because Charlie forgot to let him in so Piper and Daisy were just staring at him eagerly through the glass. I opened the glass sliding door and let them reunite. I smiled and laughed as they jumped around with each other. Charlie walked out of his room giving the dogs a small smile before grabbing his keys.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yep" I said as I grabbed their leads and walked out the door. Charlie was sitting in the car already. Something was definitely wrong with him. He was being very stand-offish towards me. I wasn't used to this side of him. He was barely acknowledging my presence. I just wanted to know if I did something wrong. I put the dogs in the back and jumped in the front seat. Charlie drove off to a random cafe in St Kilda. When we got there, I got all 3 dogs out of the car and controlled their leads. Charlie didn't even take his own dog or help me with mine. Two big dogs and 1 small one was a lot of force. They were all pulling really hard, my balance wasn't the best. We walked into the cafe and found an outside table. I tied all the dogs up and sat down across from Charlie.

"So, guess we have some catching up to do" I said with a smile. I was excited to catch up and finally talk to him again. I wanted to forget as much of the last 5 months as possible.

"Uh huh" Charlie said not even looking me in the eye. He was doing something on his phone, completely distracted. He was twiddling his thumbs away. I wasn't sure if he was texting someone or just looking at something because he would smile every 5 seconds. I tried to take a deep breath and not think about it because it was beginning to frustrate me.

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