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THEY'VE DONE IT! The blues won their first game of the season against the dogs by 44 points. In honour of that I'm posting a very cute chapter for all of you. Go Blues! Great win! So proud 💙

 Go Blues! Great win! So proud 💙

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Mads POV

Charlie and I actually hadn't seen each other since the beach. We had been calling and texting but we hadn't seen each other in person. I missed him but I was going to see him today. I had to wake up at 6:00 this morning. Daisy and Piper were lying on top of me all stretched out. I reached over to my bedside table and took my phone off the charger. I looked at my messages and I didn't really have any except a message from Charlie. It was just a good morning text, but it still meant a lot to me. Once I checked my messages, I hopped out of bed and went to my wardrobe and chucked on my usual training gear. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a banana. I grabbed one for Matt too and chucked it to him on the way down the hall. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and my hair. I picked my bag, putting in a swimsuit. We were going to go to Jack and Jacob's house for a swim to cool down after training. I got my bag and made my way out of the house. I left the dogs inside because it was 36 degrees in Melbourne today. I locked the front door and got in Matt's car. He was already in there setting up some music. We drove down to Ikon park, it was a 15 minute ride. I loved spending time alone with my brother, something we didn't get to do a lot. He parked the car in the shade so when we got back in, it wouldn't be so hot. We both got out and headed to the change rooms to put our bags down. We went up to the play room together because it was cooler in there. I went and said hello to all the boys.

30 minutes later, all the boys and girls had gathered into the play room. We were ready to go out and train together. Charlie wasn't here yet which was worrying me a bit. We all walked out onto the grass. The stands were filled with fans. All the boys and girls all went out onto the grass and did a lap of the oval together. I was running next to Jacob when someone ran up beside me. I turned my head to see Charlie smiling at me.

"Hey...." I said not knowing what to say.

"Hey" he said as we stopped running. He put his arm around me as we began to stretch. We did our stretches and then separated into our groups for kicking drills. I was with Jack, Patrick, Zac Fisher, Katie Loynes, Marc Murphy, Jess Hosking and Will Setterfield. We were doing pack marks and goals. We lined up facing our backs to the goals. There was a group of people defending and a group attacking. I was attacking along with Jack, Will and Katie Loynes. It was my turn and I ran up behind Pat, Zac, Jess and Marc and jumped on their shoulders. I leaped off the ground, it was pretty high for me. I reached up to mark the ball that Jack had kicked to me. I wrapped my hands around it and tucked it into my chest. I then fell to the ground landing on my chest, my mark had gotten everyone's attention. I didn't want to stop moving though, I wasn't a fan of all the pressure on me. I got up quickly and held the ball in my hands. I ran towards goal, Pat came in my path. Pat gave up when I danced around. Since I'm a bit lighter than Pat, I can run a bit faster. It's something he doesn't really like to admit.

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