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Charlie's POV

Madison just came over to my house. She told me she loved me, and she forgave me. She told me she loved me for God's sake. How stupid can I be to not go after her. She told me she loved me and then Danielle ruined everything by lying and saying we were going to go back to my place. I watched her as she drove off with the boys in the car, all looking at me with disappointment. I walked back inside Danielle was still waiting by the door. She came up and tried to comfort me because of the mess I just made. I just shrugged her off and walked back to the kitchen where my family was all looking in my direction. I slammed myself on the chair.

"Who was at the door Charles?" Ed asked me mocking my real name. I didn't say anything I just ignored them. Then Danielle came into the room and of course she had to open her mouth.

"It was Madison" Danielle said as she stood in front of us.

"What?" Mum said.

"You know, Madison Kennedy. Charlie's EX girlfriend" she said emphasising the ex.

"Charlie? What did she say?" Eliza asked me.

"I'm going to the bathroom" Danielle said as she walked conceitedly down the hall.

"Charlie?" Mum said.

"She told me she loved me" I told them.

"She did?" Charlotte said.

"Yeah" I said slipping down my seat.

"What did you say?" Dad asked me.

"I told her I loved her too" I said tearing up. "Then Danielle came to the door and made up some shit about us going to my place together" I told them. I put my head in my hands. They noticed I was crying straight away.

"Oh Charlie, I'm sorry" mum said coming over and giving me a hug.

"Yeah well it's my fault anyway" I told them. As soon as I said that Danielle walked back into the room.

"What did I miss?" She said as she strutted into the room. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Uh, nothing, just talking about footy" Dad said making something up. After that, mum and Charlotte went into the kitchen to clean up dinner. Danielle was sitting next to me, Ed on the other side. He leaned over to my ear and whispered something to me.

"Looks like there is no talking with mum going on tonight" he said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"You know, the talk mum has with all our girlfriends if she likes them. She did it with Emily and she did it with Madison" Ed said. That's when I realised. Danielle wasn't talking to mum at all, like Madison did. Danielle wouldn't leave my side. She was so clingy, it was becoming annoying very quickly. It meant mum didn't like her, I could tell from the moment she walked through the door. Danielle wasn't helping mum and Charlotte cook in the kitchen. She didn't even offer. She was sitting almost on top of me, not helping at all. That's when I realised, I had to breakup with her as soon as possible. I loved Madison and she probably wouldn't forgive me ever again but I had to try. I looked over at mum, she looked in my eyes. I could tell she was unhappy. All she ever wanted was for me to be happy, she knew I wasn't in this moment.

After dinner I took Danielle outside and I knew I had to talk to her now. She was about to leave and I thought it was the perfect time.

"Look Danielle, you were my first love, I did love you, 8 years ago but I don't anymore. We can't be together I'm sorry" I said letting it all out.

"What? Are you serious Charlie. You are the one that came on to me" she said. She then slapped me across the face and ran to her car. That's 2 girls I once loved or currently love running away from me...in tears.


Mads POV

I was currently in the car on the way back from telling Charlie I love him. How stupid could I be, why would I do that. I knew he was with Danielle but I did it anyway. We all got out of the car and walked inside. I leaned on Jacob as he lead me to the couch. I lay down on the couch. They all sat down around me and looked at me with a worried look.

"Tell us what happened Mads" Pat said.

"I told him everything. I told him I loved him and that I forgave him and I missed him" I told them.

"What did he say?" Jack asked.

"He told me he loved me too" I told them.

"He did? Then what's wrong?" Caleb asked.

"Danielle" I stated.

"What did she do?" Pat asked.

"She told me that they were going back to his place and she insulted Mikayla" I told them.

"Mads, I'm sorry" Jack said. I smiled softly at him. Patrick then looked at Caleb and Jacob and they stood up. I was very confused by this. They then walked out of the house, I heard them get in the car and drive off.

"Where are they going?" I asked Pat.

"Just to get something from home" he explained.

"Oh okay" I said. I then wrapped myself in my blanket and snuggled between my best friends.

20 minutes later, Jacob and Caleb walked back inside. They had bag full of stuff in their hands.

"You're back" I said with a sound of hope in my voice.

"Here you go Mads" Caleb said handing me a bag.

"What's this?" I asked.

"We got you a few of your favourite things" Jacob said as he sat back on the couch.

"Thank you so much" I said as I started to cry. All my emotions were just getting to me. I couldn't help but cry.

"Woah woah, Mads why are you crying?" Jack asked looking worried.

"I'm just really grateful to have all of you" I said cheesily. I then stood up and turned around to face them. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you have to put up with all my relationship crap" I told them. I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have them with me after what just happened. I was emotionally unstable and I needed them and I was so glad they were here.

"Mads, we will always be here, no worries" Pat said. I then motioned for al of them to get up. They all came towards me and I wrapped them all in a big silly and giggly group hug.

"I love you all so much" I said. Then we all sat down. Jacob turned on the tv and went to Netflix.

"Hmmm, What should we watch" Jacob said trying to annoy the other boys with his indecisiveness.

"Just pick something already" Caleb said agonising over the time it was taking to pick something. Jacob went even slower. I just giggle from the other side of the couch. Whenever the boys argued about something silly, it always made me laugh. I loved them all so much, it was the best thing to have best friends like I did.



I hope you all enjoyed the second part of the last chapter! The next time I will post is Saturday, so keep an eye out! Please vote and comment what you think x

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