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Hey guys, don't mind the huge gap in time. I'm not finished the story yet so I will still post some chapters after this. This gap is just relevant for the plot line of the story, it won't change much too so don't worry :))

(4 years later)

Mads POV

Charlie and I have been together for 4 years now. 5 years if you count the time we dated before everything happened. I'm still playing with The Carlton Football Club which has been amazing. I've played 100 games already and I'm living out my life long dream. All of the boys are also still playing at the club which is pretty incredible that they all sticked together and none of them got traded or dropped.

Charlie and I bought our own house 2 years ago and have been living there ever since. We left Charlie's old house cause it was a bit small and we wanted to get a bigger space. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Charlie and it was a great but extremely cheesy feeling. I never wanted to be in a cheesy relationship with super romantic stuff always happening. I didn't want to show off my relationship in public but that's the situation I found myself in now.

The only worry I had was the doubt about my relationship with Charlie. I have always known I wanted to marry Charlie. I wasn't usually much of a sucker for romance but with Charlie, something made me more desperate to get married. The problem was that Charlie and I have been together for 4 years, plus the extra one before that. I thought that was enough time to know someone before knowing what I wanted. But I do know. I know exactly what I want. But I don't know what Charlie wants. I don't want to push him and ask him about our future because it's bound to end badly. I have just been acting completely normal around him even though I know inside that everything isn't okay. He has been a big standoffish towards me as well which was highly unusual. I just want to know if we are on the same path or not. It was the only thing causing me stress and anxiety at the moment.

And of course, the plan for the day was about to make the reality of my situation sink in even more. Today was Patrick and Mon's wedding. It was a special day for our friend group. I knew it was going to hit me hard though. Seeing my bets friends get married all around me could only affect me so many times. I wasn't going to say anything though. I was going to keep quiet and be as supportive as I could even though it hurt to watch.

I was one of Mons bridesmaids which was exciting for me. We were staying at a hotel winery, an hour outside of Melbourne. I had been with Mon before when she was picking a venue. It was a really good wedding venue.

I was heading over to Mons hotel room this morning to help her get ready with the other brides maids. I got dressed into some comfy clothes and grabbed my brides maids dress. I left Charlie and I's hotel room and walked over to Mons a few doors down. Grace and I were equal maids of honour. Mon decided she couldn't pick one so she had us both.

I got to Mon's room and knocked on the door. Her mum answered the door right away. I said hello to her and walked into the room. Mon came over to me and gave me a relieved hug. Grace was already here helping calm Mon's nerves down. She looked extremely nervous, it was written all over her face. I tried my best to calm her down along with all the others. It wasn't that she was having second thoughts. It was just the realisation that she was about to make a life long commitment.

We all sat down on the couch in the hotel room. The makeup artists and hair stylists were set up around the room. Mon's nerves were now mixed with excitement as she got closer to putting her dress on.

"Those are your dresses" Mon said pointing at our bridesmaids dresses hanging on the door. Grace, Bella and I all had the same colour dress. Mine was a very light grey blue off the shoulder dress. I went to the bathroom and slipped it on. I walked out and did a little spin around. Grace and Bella later came out and we all showed off our dresses.

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