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Mads POV


Me: hey Charlie, just letting you know Mikayla and I are on our way, can't wait to see you play


Once I sent that text I plugged my phone in and put on some of Kayla and I's favourite music. We were jamming out to the music when I got a call from Charlie. I answered the call that was still connected to bluetooth so Kayla could hear everything. "Hey Charlie" I said to him.

"Hey Mads, can't wait to see you, I was wondering if you guys wanna some down to the rooms before and after the game, grace and mon are coming" he told me.

"Oh okay sure, we would love to, thanks Charlie" I said.

"No problem Mads, see you soon" he told me.

"Bye" I said then hanging up.

"Ooooooo" Mikayla said not looking away from the road.

"I'm actually so excited" I said smirking, hiding my face in my hands so I wouldn't be any more embarrassed.

"Aw I'm so happy for you Mads" she said.

"Thank you" I said as we pulled into the carpark of the MCG. We found a good park, right next to where we had to go in. We got out of the car and walked to the entrance of the MCG. I texted Charlie that we were here. He replied almost instantly which was weird cause he should be getting ready for the game. He told us to meet at the stairs and someone would come up and get us to take us down to the rooms. We walked up to the stairs Charlie told us to go to. We saw a lady dressed in Carlton merchandise. She introduced herself and then lead us down to the rooms. We opened the doors to the rooms to see all the boys hanging out. I spotted Jack and Charlie talking at the Gatorade station. Patrick, Caleb and Zac Fisher were stretching on the mats. Jacob and Matt were handballing to each other. I snuck over behind Charlie. Jack saw me as I walked up, I just told him to shush and not tell Charlie so I could surprise him. When I got close enough I jumped onto his back and kissed him on the cheek. He just turned his head slightly, then a huge smile grew on his face. He knew it was me. He put me back on the ground and turned around and hugged me tightly. He then leaned in and gave me a slow, passionate kiss. I smiled contently into the kiss.

"Ugh"I heard.

"PDA much" I heard from those all so familiar voices. I turned around to see Grace and Mon standing together with beaming smiles on their faces.

"Hey my babes" I said to them running over jumping into a hug. We separated and then I remembered Mikayla. Shit. I looked over and she was in a conversation with Matt. I called her over.

"You guys remember Mikayla right?" I asked them.

"Yeah of course, how are you Kayla?" Grace asked her.

"I'm great, it's so good to see you girls again. I hope your looking after our boys" she said to them.

"Of course" mon said back to her. Then the 5minute siren went, meaning we had to go and find our seats. I went back over to the boys, with the girls following not far behind. I had interrupted their seemingly intent conversation.

"We are going up now boys, good luck with the game, we will see you all afterwards" I said to them. Giving them all hugs as we made our way out. The girls and I made our way up to the bottom level. Our seats were right behind the goals. The Carlton song started playing as the boys ran out through the banner. We all stood up except for Kayla who was waiting for Melbourne to run out. We screamed and cheered for our boys along with the rest of the Carlton cheer squad. Eventually we sat down when the Melbourne song started playing. Mikayla stood up, she was the only one cheering on our side. We were right near the cheer squad. Everyone looked around at her wondering why she was cheering for the opposite team. She noticed everyone looking and sat down quickly. The siren went signaling the start of the game.

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