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Mads POV

Today was a new day. A day where I could try and stop thinking about Charlie and the ability he had to be in my thoughts constantly. I decided to for a run since pre season was coming around. I got out of bed and put on some nike workout leggings and a sports bra. I tied my hair up in a high ponytail and grabbed my phone and head phones. I usually just run along the beach. I used to run a lot but I haven't done as much lately. I loved to run, it got my mind off of everything but at the same time it was my time to think and reflect. I drove to the beach and parked the car outside the cafe so I could get a drink when I finish. I put my headphones in and started playing my music. I began running and let the wind sift through my hair. I got some looks from people as they walked or drove past me but I just ignored them.

I ran for about an hour and I was pretty sweaty. I then sat down on a bench facing the water. I had gotten a smoothie from the cafe and taken it to the beach so I could sit down and enjoy it as I looked out at the water. I watched the ocean for a bit trying to get my mind of things. I watched some people surfing but tried to look at others things as all it did was remind me of Charlie. I used to watch him surf when we were together and I remembered all the times we would go to the beach together and he would surf and try and show off to me which would only make me laugh. I didn't want this for myself though. I didn't want everything to remind me of Charlie because it would just make me upset. How was I supposed to move on with my life if everything around me reminded me of him. The frustration of the situation taking over my mind with my body doing its best to think about other things.

It was finally time to leave so I grabbed all my stuff and stood up off the bench and turned around. I walked with my head down as I fiddled with my keys trying to get them out of my bag. I then walked straight into a solid chest blocking me from leaving. I dropped my keys to the floor as I hit the figure. I bent down to pick them up, as I stood back up the person above me spoke.

"Kenny?" They said. Goosebumps went down my arms. Only one person called me Kenny and I hadn't seen that very person in a long long time. I looked up to meet the eyes of the person I used to have the biggest crush on way back in high school. His eyes were the color of deep sienna, with a mischievous glint that seemed to reflect the corners of his mouth, which were fighting a smile. They were glowing with humor and playfulness that gives you shivers, exactly the way I remember them.

"Jaeger?" I asked as I looked at him in disbelief.

"Oh my god I can't believe it's the Madison Kennedy" he said emphasising 'the'.

'Ha ha very funny, nice to see you too O'Meara" I said to him. I leaned up to give him a hug.

"How are you Kenny?" He asked me.

"I'm good, how are you?" I asked him.

"I'm pretty good" he said. "I heard you're dating big Charlie Curnow, hows that going?" He asked me. I didn't really know how to tell my former childhood crush that my boyfriend cheated on me. I dropped my head, looking at the ground as I tried to think of a way to word it.

"Uh, we actually broke up a few months ago" I told him.

"Oh I'm sorry Kenny, do I need to beat him up?" He asked me.

"No, please don't" I said giggling. Jaeger and I were pretty close growing up. Our families were best friends and Matt and Jaeger were always really close when we lived in Melbourne. When Dad died, our families really drifted apart and Matt and I lost contact with Jaeger and his family when we moved to Perth. We tried our best to rekindle the friendships we had but it was all too hard with the distance.

"Wanna grab a coffee?" He asked me.

"Sure, yeah I would like that" I said as we made our way into the cafe. We sat down at a table. Jaeger ordered a coffee and I kept drinking the drink I already had. We just spent the time catching up. I hadn't seen him in however many years it was. I wanted to know how his life was going. It was good to reunite with an old friend, someone I knew I could already trust to have my back.

I really enjoyed coffee with Jaeger, he was such a kind and gentle person. Some of my feelings for him from when I was growing up started to come back to me. I tried to ignore those feelings because I thought it was too soon to start dating again. I would never want to push myself because I knew that I wasn't over Charlie yet. I also knew that it wasn't fair for me to start dating and I wasn't ready anyway. I couldn't move on that quickly after all that had happened.


Charlie's POV

I really took in what Madison told my family. She wanted me to move on and I knew I needed to. She deserved to move on and she can't until I have. Danielle has been contacting me since that day at the engagement party. I know it's hard to understand why I kissed her, and I really don't know why I did. I think because she was my first love, those feelings came back for her. She left me, I didn't breakup with her so I always had a place for her in my heart. When I met Madison, that all changed. I had no feelings what so ever for anyone else but her. Now I've screwed everything up and that's not going to change.

I thought maybe I should just invite Danielle over and see where things go. I texted her and she replied almost instantly, it's almost like she was waiting by her phone for me. She sounded excited that I contacted her. I was worried now, I think she thought this meant I was really interested. To be honest, I just wanted to make Madison jealous, but not in a malicious way. I also wanted to distract myself from thinking about Madison. She was all I thought about, all day, everyday.

Half an hour later, there was a knock on the door. I walked to the door and opened it. Danielle stood in front of me. She instantly ran up to me and pulled my face to hers, kissing me. I pulled away and frowned at her.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"I love you Charlie" she said. She didn't really love me, she just wanted to get me to bed. I thought about it, what was I doing with my life. Was I really about to give in to her. I just wanted a distraction and maybe this was it for me. I just went for it, I grabbed her face and kissed her like I used to in high school. She jumped into my arms, I carried her to my bedroom.

I guess this is my distraction. I know this is wrong but maybe my old feelings for her were coming back. I would probably regret it later but I just went with it to see where it would take me.....



Enjoy the chapter! I've been posting on Sunday's but I think Saturday will be my new posting day so keep an eye out.

I'm in a good mood today because of the great win yesterday for the blues. I'm so proud of the boys!

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

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Hope everyone had a good weekend!

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