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Madison POV

The whole time Charlie was talking to the boys I was shaking. I didn't know what I would do if the boys didn't accept us, what Charlie would think of me after he found out what has happened to me in the past, and how I met these amazing people.

30 minutes later the boys came out. I made eye contact with the tall brunette who had already captured my heart. He had blood shot eyes. He started walking over to me. I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't want him to pity me, my past is my past and it's not something I want to be reminded about. He just engulfed me in a hug.

After that we went to train and signed some autographs for the Carlton fans that turned out to training. I was so exhausted after training I just wanted to go home. I had a shower in the girls change rooms and put on my change of clothes. I just wanted to be comfy so I just wore some wear pants, a baggy t-shirt and tied my hair up in a bun. I grabbed my bag and walked to my Jeep. Matt and Pat were going to a cafe with the boys, usually I would go but I'm a bit emotionally drained today so I decided just to go home. I had uni tomorrow in the morning anyway so I just wanted to watch movies with Matt and go to sleep. When I arrived home I just flopped and my bed and my eyes instantly shut.

I woke up to a loud commotion coming from the lounge room. I checked the time and I had been asleep for 3 hours. It was now 6:00 in the afternoon. I made my way out to the lounge room to see Matt in the kitchen, Jack and Jacob on the couch watching the tv intently, and Patrick and Caleb setting the table. I was so glad they were all here and I didn't have to cook. I made my way over to Matt and hugged him. I was very glad to have an older brother and I felt like I didn't tell him that often how much I love him.

"Thank you Matty" I said to him.

"For what?" He asked.

"For being my brother" I told him.

"What? What's up with you all of a sudden?" He said.

"Nothing, I'm just really grateful to have you in my life Matt" I explained to him.

"I love you too Mads" he said. We smiled at each other and made our way to the now set dinner table. I sat down and we all started eating dinner together, something we hadn't done in a while. After dinner we all went and sat on the couch together. Caleb and Jack got out all of our favourite foods. Jacob was picking which movie we were gonna watch.

"Can we watch grown ups?" I pleaded.

"NOOOO" Matt whined.

"I love that movie" Jack agreed with me.

"Me too" Caleb Nodded.

"Grown Ups it is" Jacob said.

"Fiiiinnnneeee, we can watch grown ups" Matt finally agreed.

While we were watching the movie we heard a knock at the front door. I got up from my position on the couch between Jack and Patrick. We were in the middle of the movie, I was so tired, I really needed to go to bed so I have enough energy for uni tomorrow. I went to the front door and opened it to the all so familiar deep brown eyes that I learned to love over the past 2 days. "Charlie? What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Uh hello to you too....um Matt invited me" he explained.

"Really?" I asked in a questionable tone.

"Yeah he said you guys were watching movies and you needed a cuddle buddy" he chuckled as the heat rose to his cheeks. I looked behind me to Matt who was smirking from the couch. I made eye contact with him and mouthed 'thank you', he just gave me a thumbs up and then Caleb walked past to the kitchen and winked at me.

"Well come in" I told him. He made his way inside the house and sat on the couch where I was sitting. I grabbed him a drink from the fridge and handed it to him as I sat down next to him with Jack on the other side of me.

An hour later we had finished grown ups 1 and we were on to number 2. I was cuddled up to Charlie the whole time. He was just so comfy and warm. I looked up at him, he was concentrating on the movie. When he looked down at me I suddenly looked away. I could feel him smiling from above me. I then felt a pressure on my thigh, I looked down and saw Charlie's hand rubbing my thigh and squeezing it. It felt nice to have this happen again. I missed having someone I could be this close with.

"Can we have some popcorn please Mads?" Matt begged me.

"Uh sure, I'll be right back" I said.

"I'll give you a hand" Charlie told me.

"Oooooo" all the boys said at once.

"Shut up" I laughed back. We made our way to the kitchen, I grabbed a bag of popcorn and put it in the microwave. I turned around to Charlie staring at me but not in a creepy way. He was leaning on the kitchen island bench and I was across from him, he slowly took a step towards me. He raised his left hand and put it behind my back, pulling me close to him. He used his right hand to tuck my hair behind my ear slowly. Our foreheads rested against each other. His thumb grazed my cheek softly pulling my face closer. Our lips were inches apart. This was it, this was going to be our first kiss together. His lips brushed mine before we were interrupted by Caleb.

"HEY! Where's the popcorn at?" Caleb yelled not taking his eyes off of the tv screen. Charlie and I got a fright and both quickly stepped back from each other. Charlie looked down at the ground walking back to the couch, rubbing the back of his neck. Meanwhile I grabbed the popcorn out of the microwave and put it in 2 bowls. I headed back to the couch sitting back next to Charlie, this time a bit further away. I handed a bowl to Patrick and held one in my lap.

After the 2nd movie finished I was nearly asleep when I heard everyone get up. I heard the door open that's when I got up and saw Charlie about to leave. He looked at me with those eyes. He came up to me and whispered in my ear. "See you tomorrow night Mads" he said in my ear which sent tingles down my spine.

"Can't wait" I responded. I then gave him a hug and he walked out the door along with Jack, Jacob, Caleb and Patrick who all gave me a hug and an I love you as they headed out the door. Once they all left I said goodnight to Matt and headed to my room. I brushed my teeth, changed into my pyjamas and hopped into bed. I opened up my phone and decided to text Charlie goodnight.

Mads❤️: Goodnight Charlie, can't wait for tomorrow night :))

He replied almost instantly.

Charlie💙: Night Mads xx


After I texted Charlie I put my phone on the charger, turned my lamp off, tucked my self under my doona, rolled over and shut my eyes almost instantly falling asleep while thinking about that brown haired boy.



hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know that Patrick and Matthew didn't play in their first year and weren't drafted together to the same club, and some of the years between them don't add up but for the storyline I just made it this way :))

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