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Mads POV

Today was the day we left for Charlie and I's honeymoon. We had our wedding later in the year so we didn't have to wait for the end of the footy season for a honeymoon. We were flying to Bora Bora, which is somewhere I always wanted to go. Now I will, just with Charlie. We've been overseas in the off season before but this was different. It was just the two of us and it made me extremely excited.

I was double checking my packed bags on the floor of our bedroom. I didn't want to forget anything necessary. I have had experiences forgetting passports and I was the least bit interested in going through that again.

Charlie was in the shower and getting dressed for the long plane ride we had ahead of us. Charlie is not an organised person whatsoever. That's why it was my responsibility to make sure he packed everything he needed for the trip. I packed his bag for him because I was a good wife. Saying wife sounded so weird to me but in a good way. It was so special to be able to call him my husband now.

I was wearing a striped t-shirt tucked into some white trackie pants. It was a long, long flight so I knew I would sleep as much as I could in the comfy clothes I wore.

The dogs were already at my mums house because we needed a place for them while we were gone. I finished all the suitcases and put them by the door. I packed a carry on bag with headphones, chargers, a book, some lollies and my phone. Then Charlie came out of the bathroom and started packing the bags into the Uber. When we were all packed, I locked every part of the house and walked out the front door. I got in the car and so did Charlie.

"Let's go on our honeymoon" he said leaning over and pecking me on the lips. The Uber backed out of the driveway and drove to the airport. When we got there, we got all our bags out and walked through the international airport terminal. We found our baggage check in and checked the big bags in. We then went through customs and went to a cafe near our gate. Charlie got me an orange juice and a latte for himself. We waited for a while before they announced our flight on the PA. We waited in the line before getting on the plane. We booked fairly late so it was a bit of a struggle to get two seats next to each other. We sorted it out eventually.

We walked to the 2 seats somewhere in the middle of economy. The seats were on one side of the plane just as two with four in the middle and another two on the other side. Everyone on the flight was seated pretty quickly which was good because that usually took the longest. It was currently 10:00 and we were eventually ready to take off. I leaned over onto Charlie's lap because he knew how tired I was. He helped me put a blanket over myself as I dozed off.
14.5 hours later
The flight was almost over and I was asleep for around 10 hours of it. I just woke up to the touch of Charlie's hand on my shoulder. He was waking me for breakfast on the plane. I sat up in my seat as they handed me some juice, bacon and eggs. I wasn't really a fan of airplane food especially breakfast. But Charlie had eaten all the food I packed while I was asleep. He left me with no other choice because I was extremely hungry.

"Did you sleep much?" I asked him.

"Slept like a baby" he told me with a cheeky smile.

"I'm glad" I said beginning to eat my breakfast. The captain then announced that we were about to land in Bora Bora. I looked out the window as we got closer to land. I saw the crystal blue waters and my eyes instantly lit up. I had seen pictures of it before but never thought I would be able to see it for myself.

Half an hour later, we arrived in Bora Bora and we had to take a boat to the hotel. We were staying at The Four Seasons. My mums old friends worked at the hotel so we got a decent deal.

We got our bags off the carasel and gave them to the man who was taking us to the hotel. We got on the boat with some other people staying at the same hotel. It was a short trip to the hotel along the water. Once we reached the hotel, we grabbed our bags and walked to reception to check in.

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