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Mads POV

It was the day after the grand final. Melbourne was still recovering from the after math. Charlie had to head to the club today to do interviews and team stuff. I was just chilling at home right now but I was going to go for a coffee with Cassie and Charlotte today. Then tonight, the girls and I were going out for celebratory drinks. I got dressed into a white and blue striped dress with a tie in the front. I put on some white sneakers and my necklaces. I put on my usual perfume and makeup.

I was ready to go

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I was ready to go. I put all the dogs on their leads because they needed a walk. I put them in the boot of the car, not Piper though, she got to sit in the front with me since she was small. I drove to the cafe that Charlotte texted me. When I got there, I drove past and saw them already put the front. I went around the corner, looking for a park. I finally found one not to far away. I opened the car door for the dogs to get out. It was quite the struggle walking all three of them. I walked towards the fully packed cafe. Cassie and Charlotte were sitting outside. I went up to them.

"Hi!" I said smiling.

"Madison, hi sweetie, how are you?" Cassie asked kissing me on each cheek.

"I'm good thanks, how are you?" I said to her.

"I'm great thank you honey" she replied. I then hugged Charlotte.

"Hey Mads" She said.

"Hey Charlotte" I replied laughing a little. I sat down and tied all the dogs up to a pole next to the table. I went inside and ordered an orange juice. I ordered 2 lattes for Cassie and Charlotte. I went back out and put the table number on the table.

"So, how have you guys been?" I asked them.

"Still recovering from yesterday's events, but I'm sure your day was more hectic than ours" Charlotte said.

"Yeah, it was a bit hectic. It was amazing to see the boys win the grand final. I did get a bit emotional watching them. We had a fun day and obviously I had to take care of Charlie in the end" I told them. They laughed.

"Of course you did, I'm sorry about that" Cassie said.

"It's totally okay, he deserves to celebrate with everyone" I told them.

"Thanks for looking after him, his old girlfriends usually didn't" Charlotte told me. I heard Cassie kick her under the table. "What? It's not that big of a deal" Charlotte replied to Cassie's annoyance.

"What do you mean?" I asked. They both looked directly at me.

"She just means that this one particular girlfriend he had in high school didn't treat him well. He loved her but she never really seemed to reciprocate those feelings. We thought she was using him" Cassie told me.

"Oh, well did you tell him?" I asked.

"Yeah, we tried, we told him all the signs we saw but he never believed us. He was just so in love with her, he didn't realise what was going on" Charlotte told me.

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