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Madison's POV

Last night was incredible. I know we didn't do much but I loved every minute of it. Just being surrounded by my favourite people, now including Charlie. I really couldn't live without any of them. When Charlie and I were about to kiss all I could think about was how much I wanted it to happen and it would have if Caleb hadn't interrupted us. After that I felt like Charlie was a bit hesitant towards me, I don't know what happened. I had the best night sleep last night thinking and dreaming about my date with Charlie though. I had uni today which is annoying but it's my last year so I'm really just trying to get through it in one piece. I hopped out of bed and went to my wardrobe and picked out a uni outfit that is also appropriate for lunch with my girls later. I hadn't seen Monique and Grace in a while. They had become my best friends when I met the boys a while ago. We all just became friends instantly. I was so glad I had met them or I would be stuck with the boys all the time. I put on some high waisted blue jeans and a belt with my long sleeve black cropped turtle neck. I chucked on some some white sneakers and walked out of my room. I walked out into the empty kitchen. There was a note on the bench.

 There was a note on the bench

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I went to Jack and Jacobs. I made you breakfast if you want it. Have a fun day at uni and I'll see you after your date.


Knowing Matt supported my life choice was a really big thing for me. After dad died, Matt always watched over me, sometimes a bit too much. He is my annoying big brother but he is the best big brother. I grabbed the breakfast Matt made me which was just some scrambled eggs on toast. I sat down and watched some friends which is my favourite tv show.

Once I finished breakfast I brushed my teeth and my hair. I applied some light makeup because it's just uni, tonight is a different story. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door, locking it behind me.

I got in my car and drove off to Melbourne University. I was getting my bachelor of veterinary nursing. That is something I wanted to do since I was little. I wanted to be an AFLW player and a vet nurse since I was 6. I always use to play footy with Matt and Dad in the backyard. Mum would just watch the 3 of us mucking around. If only dad knew what I was doing now, I hope he would be proud of me.

By the time I was finished reminiscing, I had arrived at uni. I parked where I usually do and got out. I started walking to my first class when my phone beeped.


Charlie: hey mads, have fun at uni, can't wait for our date tonight, I know you'll look beautiful xx

Mads: thank you Charlie, see you tonight xx

Once I sent that text, I turned my phone on silent and put it in my bag.


4 hours later and I was finished with uni for the week. I texted Grace and Mon that I was on my way to lunch. I hopped in my car and drove to our fave cafe in Carlton. It took me 10 minutes to find a park but I did eventually. I walked up to the girls sitting outside the front of the cafe.

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