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Charlie's POV

I was literally shitting myself all day. I was nervous and excited for my date with Madison. She is so beautiful and so kind and gentle. I really don't want to screw anything up like I did in my past relationships. I didn't really do anything all day. I was just anxious for tonight. I decided to buy Mads some flowers and her favourite chocolate that she told me about when we first met. I took a shower and washed my dark locks. I hopped out the shower and dried myself. I put on some jeans, a clean t shirt and my favourite denim jacket with the fluff on the collar. I applied some after shave and deodorant. I took a look at myself in the mirror and thought about the date tonight. What if Madison didn't like me after tonight. I shook myself out of my thoughts and grabbed Madison's present and headed out to my car. My hands were shaking the whole way to her house, but in a good way. Once I got there I took one last look in the mirror and stepped out of my car. I made my way up to the door holding the present. I was hoping Mads would answer the door so I didn't have to face Matt or whoever else was over. I rang the doorbell tapping my foot in anticipation. I was looking down at the ground for a while when I finally heard the door open. I looked up to see Jacob holding the door open with a serious look on his face. "Hey Jacob" I said to him.

"Charlie" he said to me sternly.

I looked around the room hoping to run into those intriguing eyes that I met just a few days ago. I finally met them from across the room. When I did I widened my eyes from the sight I was seeing. She looked absolutely stunning. I looked her up and down in disbelief. She was wearing a navy blue polka dot wrap dress with white sneakers. After I looked at her for a while I walked up to her and gave her a gentle hug. I whispered in her ear. "You look incredible Mads" I told her. I saw her cheeks rapidly turn pink after my subtle comment. Once we had finished our little hello. I felt the tests of the eyes around the room staring me down. I looked around to see Jack, Jacob, Caleb, Patrick, Matt, Grace and Monique all smirking at the 2 of us in the middle of their lounge room. I decided that I felt uncomfortable enough to want to go now. "Ready to go?" I asked her.

"Yep" she responded to my question. As we were walking out we heard some little giggles and then Caleb spoke.

"Have fun you two" Caleb shouted as we were making our way to the car. I just looked to Mads who was smiling away. Mads and I made our way to my car parked across the road from their driveway. I went around to the passenger side, Mads giving me a confused look as I did so. I reached over to the door handle and opened the door for Mads as she sat in the car. I had never done that for a girl before but I really liked Mads more than anyone I had ever dated so I thought I should make it special and make more of an effort. Once she sat in the car I made my way around the other side and hopped in behind the steering wheel.

When we arrived at the fair, it was already dark outside so the lights from all the rides and games were shining bright in the Melbourne sky. There were a lot of people at the fair enjoying the beautiful night it was. We were both admiring the sky above us when I felt Mads tug on my hand and dragged me to the ferris wheel. We got on the Ferris wheel, sitting close to each other. The Ferris wheel started and we made our way around and up to the top looking out on the Melbourne city. Then suddenly, the Ferris wheel stopped, Mads jumped a little so I put my hand on her leg to comfort her. She looked up at me, putting our faces inches apart. Every bone in my body was telling me to lean forward and kiss her. I gently held her hands. She brought her hand up to my cheek using her thumb to rub her soft hands on my cheek. We both leaned in, so close to kissing. Suddenly the ferris wheel started again, I pulled my head away as I got a fright. Mads then scooted a bit further away. I put my head in my hands, slapping myself on the inside for not kissing her right then and there. Mads was looking at the view turning towards the outside, away from me. My heart dropped at that sight. Did I ruin everything by not kissing her and then pulling away? She probably thinks I don't like her. Everything is awkward now. Once the Ferris wheel was finished we both got off. Mads said she needed to go to the bathroom so I told her I would wait outside for her. When she went in I decided I should call Jack and ask for his help. I dialed his number and it rang a few times, then he finally picked up. "Hello?" Jack said.

"Hey Jack it's Charlie" I told him.

"Oh hey Charlie, hows the date with Mads?" He asked.

"Um yeah, about that" I said to him.

"What's wrong? What did you do?" He asked me sounding worried.

"Jack calm down I didn't do anything, well actually I sort of did but just let me explain." I told him.

"Okay...." he said hesitantly.

"Okay well, we went on the ferris wheel and the ride stopped at the top and we were about to kiss when the ride started and I pulled away...." I said slapping myself in the head.

"You what? Why didn't you just kiss her man? She probably really wanted to kiss you!" He yelled at me.

"I know, I know I'm sorry. And now she seems really distant towards me. I don't know what to do. I think I've messed this up" I told him sounding panicked.

"Charlie, Charlie calm down. I'm sure she still really likes you. You just need to tell her your sorry for what happened and man just bloody kiss her already" he told me, I could hear him laughing over the phone. After he said that I saw Mads coming back out so I knew I had to hang up.

"Okay man, thanks for the advice, she's coming back now" I told him.

"No problem mate, good luck" he said, then he hung up. Mads made her way over to me with a confused look on her face.

"Who was that?" She asked me.

"Oh uh, just jack checking in to make sure everything is okay" I told her.

"Oh okay then" she said looking down. I knew we needed to talk about what happened before.

"Um Mads? Can we talk?" I asked her.

"Uh, sure I guess" she said giving in.

"Look Mads I'm really sorry about before, I shouldn't have pulled away. I really do like you I hope you know that" I admitted to her.

"Charlie it's fine I swear, don't worry about it" she said. I still didn't fully believe what she said. I think I've officially screwed it all up.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter with a bit more going on! This is my last chapter for the week so enjoy it! Who's excited for round 1 though! Go blues 💙

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