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Mads POV

I woke up this morning wrapped in Charlie's arms. I could get used to this. I was so comfortable and warm, I felt safe. We both said 'I love you' last night, I couldn't be happier right now. I got out of bed and decided to have a shower quietly without waking Charlie up. I got a towel and a change of clothes and went into the bathroom to shower. I had a game today. I was really excited. The club was doing really well and we had a good shot at finals. My whole family was coming today along with Charlie and the other boys because they are basically family. I got in the shower letting the warm water hit me. I didn't wash my hair cause I would do that after the game. Once I finished my shower I got and dried myself. I heard movement outside the bathroom which meant Charlie was awake. I wrapped my towel around me and went out to see Charlie laying with Reggie on the bed. He stood up when I came out and pecked my lips.

"Morning babe" he said.

"Morning" I said smiling back.

"Ready for your game?" He asked.

"Yeah, just nervous" I told him.

"Hey don't worry about it" he comforted me. He then went into the bathroom to shower. I got into some clothes that I kept at Charlie's. I had to go home to get my game stuff. The game was at Ikon Park against Collingwood at 6:00. I was nervous for 2 reasons today. 1- Charlie was meeting my mum and 2- the girls in the Collingwood side were always very overly pushy and sometimes violent. I waited for Charlie to get dressed so he could take me home. When he was ready, we both got in his car and drove off to my house. We arrived after 5 minutes. Charlie turned into my drive way.

"Good luck babe, I'll see you at the game" he said to me.

"Thank you" I said kissing his lips gently. "Yeah I'll see you after"  I told him. I then hopped out of the car and walked inside. Matt was in the kitchen making eggs. I put my bag down and grabbed an apple on the way to my room. I got out my Carlton merch to wear to the game. I didn't have my guernsey because the club gives it to me when I get there. I packed a bag with a change of clothes for after. I sat down on the couch cause I had a while before I had to leave. I was nervous for today and my family and everything. I know it's a bit strange that Charlie and I have been going out for like 2 months and he hasn't met my family, but we just weren't ready yet. He's met my brother obviously and my sister but not my mum. Once I finished packing I went to the kitchen to grab some Gatorade I bought earlier. I said bye to Matt and got in my car. It was currently 2:00 and the game was at 6:00. We had to be there really early. I drove to Ikon park. There were already a lot of people here. All the men's team were coming to watch today to support us girls in our final game. I walked down to the change rooms and saw most of the girls getting into warm up gear. I grabbed my warm up gear form my locker and put it on.

Once all the girls had arrived we were supposed to have a team meeting. Since I was captain of the club, I had to gather all of the girls. I probably had to say something during the meeting about the season. I wasn't the best public speaker, but I had improved. All the girls gathered in the meeting room. I sat next to Sarah Hosking and Darcy Vescio, they were my 2 best friends at the club.

"So girls, it's our last game today. All the coaches just  want for you to work together and take the season in because you most likely won't be playing with this exact group ever again" coach told us which made us all look around at each other. "Mads would you like to say a few words?" Coach asked me. I stood up facing all of the girls, trainers and coaches.

"Well girls, it's been a hell of a season and I speak on behalf of the whole leadership group. We have really enjoyed seeing you young girls grow. I know every single one of you deserves to be here and you will all play aflw for a very long time. Let's just go out there and win for us and everyone who has put in time and effort to help us this year" I said. All the girls then got up and gathered in a group hug. Once we all settled down we all went out onto the field for a warm up. There were a lot of fans gathered here for our last game. It was incredible, I had never seen so many people at one aflw game. I spotted my mum in the crowd along with the boys, my siblings and Charlie of course. I ran up to the fence where they were and engulfed my mum in a big hug. I had been so busy lately I hadn't seen my mum in ages. We were so close so not seeing her for a month felt like a year.

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