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1000 reads! WOW that's incredible. Thank you all so much for reading and voting on my book. I really wanted to create something that I thought everybody would like to read. I mostly did it for fun, I never thought that I would get 10 reads let alone 1000. Hope you all are enjoying it so far and it's not even half way done! Enjoy this cute chapter in honour of this! 💖


Mads POV

It's been about 2 months of Charlie and I dating and tonight we were going out for dinner for our 2 month anniversary. He told me to dress fancy. It was currently 10 am and Charlie was picking me up at 6 pm. In the mean time, I was going to the beach with Mikayla and today. I got dressed into my dusty pink triangle bikini. I put a denim skirt and black short sleeve crop top on over the top. I packed a beach bag with a towel, sunglasses and sunscreen in it. I then locked up the house cause Matt was at his girlfriends house today. I got in my car and opened the roof so I could feel the breeze. I turned the music up and drove off to the beach. When I got there, it took me 10 minutes to find a park. I texted Mikayla that I was here. She was here with her boyfriend Angus Brayshaw. I didn't get to hangout with them much. Angus and Mikayla have been together since high school so I got really close with Angus while I was growing up. He was like another brother to me.

I walked down to the beach grabbing coffees for both of them and a milkshake for me. I spotted them sitting on the beach and walked up to them. I put my stuff down next to the beach chairs they set up.

"Hey guys" I greeted them.

"Mads" Angus said standing up to give me a hug.

"Ewww sweaty" I said laughing at how sweaty he was already.

"Hey Mads" Kayla said. We all sat back down on the chairs and talked about life. We talked about if they would have an engagement party. They said they just wanted to be engaged for a while and enjoy it. The party wouldn't be for a long while.

30 minutes later and I was getting really hot so I wanted to go in the water. "Ready to go in?" I asked them.

"Yep" Angus said standing up.

"Sure" Kayla said after. I took my top and my skirt off and put them in my bag. I hung my towel on the chair so it was there when I got out. We walked into the water. Surprisingly it wasn't that cold. I ran into the water next to Angus, we were racing. I kept running and dove in. We both came up and Kayla was still standing in the shallows. Angus went up and grabbed her to bring her deeper.

After we swam for a while, we all got cold and decided to get out. I wrapped myself in a towel and sat on the chair.

"So Danielle only has like 8 months left to go" he said to Kayla randomly.

"What?" I asked them confused as to what they were talking about.

"Oh yeah haha, Gus's sister is in LA doing some modeling. She's been there for a couple years" Kayla told me.

"Oh that's cool. You know I just realised that I've known you for like 10 years and I've never met your sister once" I said.

"Oh my god yeah, you would love her Mads" Kayla told me.

"It's probably cause in high school, she moved out and was dating this guy, he went to a different school. She never really talked to anyone else. They only dated for a year or so though cause she broke up with him when Dad died. She hadn't met Kayla till a few years ago" Angus told me.

"Oh that sucks" I said. I didn't know much about Gus's sister but I had seen some photos, she was really beautiful.

"That's my sister for you, she's a character" Angus said laughing it off.

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