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Mads POV

I woke up the next day feeling as shit as ever. I don't want to sound stupid but Charlie really did break my heart. I lay flat on the bed looking up at the ceiling. I decided that I won't let Charlie get in the way of my career and I was going to training even if it meant I had to deal with seeing Charlie. I heard noises from outside the room and then something slipped under the door. It was a note form Charlie. I picked it up and read it.

Hey Mads,
I'm going to training. I hope to see you there so we can work this out.

- Charlie

I sighed heavily, frustrated at the note he wrote. I knew I still had to go to training though. I heard the front door open then shut which meant he was gone. I waited a few minutes and then unlocked the bedroom door. I walked out tiptoeing scared he might still be in the house. I finally figured out he was gone and went and got some breakfast. Once I ate my breakfast I packed my bag for training and got dressed. I decided to message Jack to ask him to pick me up cause I assumed Grace had told him.

Madison: Hey Jack, I was wondering if you could pick me up for training, I'm still recovering from last night xx

Jack: Yeah of course Mads, I heard what happened, I'm really sorry.

Thank god he said yes. I brushed my teeth and hair and waited for him to pick me up. He texted me that he was here so I walked outside and locked the door behind me. He was leaning against his car parked across the road. I crossed the road and ran up to him. He pulled me into a hug rubbing my back gently.

"Thank you for coming" I said as I walked around to the other side of the car.

"Of course Mads" he said. We then both got in the car and he drove off to Ikon park. "Does Matt know?" He asked me. That's when I realised, I hadn't told my brother but if he knew, he would ultimately kill Charlie.

"No I haven't told him, do the other boys know?" I asked him.

"I don't think so, but I'm sure they will once they get to the club" he said.

Once we got to the club, my nerves were going crazy. I was so afraid of seeing him and the judgement there would be from those around me. I slowly got out of the car walking inside. Jack wrapped his arm around me as we walked in together. When we walked in there was no one in sight. We walked down to the change rooms with a few people in them and dumped our bags as usual. I walked into the play room full of people. As soon as I did Jacob and Caleb ran up to me picked me up in hug. Someone obviously told them what happened. That made me have the urge to cry but I was trying not to. I did notice that Patrick and Matt weren't here which made me worried.

I hung around with the boys for a while trying to distract myself from the pair of eyes I once fell in love with. They were staring at me from across the room. He was in a deep conversation with Lachie Plowman yet he was looking at me. I looked at him but quickly looked away and fought the temptation to look again. 10 minutes later we all went outside to train.
I was outside warming up, kicking the ball with Jacob. Caleb and Jack were kicking next to us. We were all kicking with a partner. I had told some of my aflw teammates what happened and they were all understanding why I wasn't 100% in it today. Charlie was kicking with Lachie Plowman like 10 metres away. We then started to transition into another drill. When suddenly I heard whispers erupt from across the group. I flipped my head towards the noise. I saw Matt and Patrick walking out onto the oval. I made eye contact with both of them, they both quickly looked away. They had the most determined looks on their faces. They marched aggressively towards Charlie. My heart dropped, I knew exactly what they were doing. I was staring intently at them both as they got closer to him. Jacob was facing his back to it and then noticed me staring so he turned around. Patrick and Matt got to Charlie and grabbed him by his shirt.

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