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2 months later

Charlie's POV

Madison still wasn't talking to me. I tried to talk to her at every training but she didn't want anything to do with me. The boys also wouldn't let me near her, so that made it ten times harder. I just wish there was a way I could go back and change everything. She will never see me the same way again and I couldn't change that. I just wanted her back. But I made a mistake, a really bad one and I couldn't change the past. I just wish I could make it up to her in some way. I wanted to see her gorgeous smile, her soft brown eyes, and her jet black hair. I fell in love with all those things, and I never fell out of love with them. She may have fallen out of love with me but I never did. I will always love Madison but that wasn't enough. I was trying my best not to be selfish and let her move on but it was so hard to think of her with anyone else.

I thought maybe I should talk to the boys and see what they thought. None of them were ignoring me so that was helpful. They were pretty much just tolerating me cause we have to play together. We had an open training today, girls and boys. It was the first one in months, which was lucky for Madison, cause she was avoiding me. I was still living in the house we used to share. I was thinking of moving out though cause everything reminded me of her. I got out of bed, dreading the day ahead. I didn't want anymore confrontation with Matt or anyone else. I wanted her to stop looking at me with hatred. I put my training stuff on, grabbed my already packed bag and walked straight out the door. I hopped in my car and drove to training.

When I got there, there were a lot of people there. I tossed my bag in my locker and grabbed a footy. I walked straight onto the oval. I just started to practice some goal kicking as I waited for everyone to arrive. Jacob, Patrick, Jack and Caleb were all talking by the fence. I took my chance and walked up to them. They all looked at me confused as they waited for me to speak up. They usually tried not to talk to me about it because they thought it was none of their business. I took a deep breath and then they realised what I was going to talk about.

"What's up Charlie?" Caleb asked me wondering why I walked over to them.

"Guys, you know I messed up and I know that to" I said.

"Yep, you messed up real bad" Jack said.

"I know, I know, but you can't stand here, looking me in the eye, and tell me that she doesn't still love me" I said to them. They all looked around at each other then to the ground. "So?" I asked them hopeful of their response.

"Even if she did love you Charlie, she is trying to live her life and enjoy herself, she deserves that much" Jacob said.

"Of course she does. I want her to live her life but how can she move on if she is still in love with me. Is she really living her life if she's not with the one person she loves" I said. I wasn't sure how they would react. They all looked around at each other. I stared at all of them hoping they would give me something I could be hopeful of.

"That's up to her Charlie" Patrick said as they all walked into the middle of the oval. They all walked past me giving me faint smiles.

Training has been going for about an hour. I was currently sitting at the drink station. I was watching Madison train. She was so fast out of centre clearances and had so much agility around stoppages. She was going to go to big places with her career. I was watching her as she was laughing and smiling with some of the boys. Her smile was just so contagious I couldn't not be in love with her. She is so perfect, you couldn't point out a single flaw just from looking at her. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Matt who was now standing in front of me.

"Look Charlie, you need to stop drooling over my sister" he said.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about" I said to him.

"Charlie, she's finally moved on from you. She's finally happy again and I don't want her to go back to the state she was in when you guys broke up" he said.

"I'm trying my hardest to move on but I still love her" I told him.

"She will always love you too Charlie, but you need to let her live her life" he said.

"I know" I said dropping my head. I rubbed the back of my neck in frustration. Matt then made his way back on the field, I followed him.

I know I told Matt that I would let her live her life, but I can't ignore this anymore. How is she supposed to live her life when she's still in love with someone she isn't with anymore. How is she supposed to get on with life? Isn't that eating her up inside like it is to me? I had to tell her like she did before. I had to tell her, if she rejected me I would let it go, but to be honest, I don't really think she will. If the boys are telling the truth, and she is in love with me, I've at least got to try and get her back.



An extra chapter for the week! It was a bit short so I decided not to make it the main chapter for Saturday. This is probably the last one I will do they. The rest of my chapters will only be posted on Saturday. Hope you enjoy it though! Please remember to vote and comment if you enjoy it!

Thanks x

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