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Charlie's POV

Today was the day I would propose to Mads. The boys were going to help me set up everything at a beach that we went to on our third or fourth date. Mads loved the beach so I decided it was the perfect spot. It's not to romantic but not boring. I knew there wouldn't be people around to so it wasn't a public proposal because those never end well. I was extremely excited to propose to Mads but I was shitting myself every time I thought about it. I asked Grace and Mon to bring her to the beach with a blind fold on, so she would have no idea. Mads still thought that I didn't want to get married so my plan was going perfectly. She was going to be so shocked when I got down on one knee. I couldn't wait to see the look on her face.

I got out of bed with a little hop in my step. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face at the thought of Mads saying yes. But there was still a long way to go until then.

Mads was out at breakfast with her Mum. Then she was going to Mons house and from there, they would drive her to the beach. I made sure she was out of the house while I got ready. I just told her I was going to hangout with the boys somewhere.

I put on some jeans, a white t shirt and my fluffy neck denim jacket. I didn't want to dress up too fancy because I knew Mads didn't like that sappy stuff, she gets embarrassed by it. Once I was dressed, I put on some deodorant, and styled my hair as best as I could. I was eventually ready so I walked to the mini safe hidden under all my clothes in the wardrobe. I unlocked it and grabbed the mini black ring box inside of it. I opened the box to take one last look at the ring.

It was everything Mads had wanted. I seeked advice from her Mum for exactly what she wanted and her ring size, for conformation because I pretty much already knew.

It was eventually time to leave because I needed to before she got home. I walked out the house and got in the car. I drove to Jacob and Jack's house because all the boys were already there waiting for me to pick them up. I honked the car horn to let them know I was waiting. A minute later they all came trailing out of the door. Jack jumped in the front while the rest of them got in the back, Caleb sat in the boot.

"How you feeling?" Pat asked me.

"Nervous" I stated.

"Don't worry mate, I know my sister, she won't say no" Matt told me.

"Thanks guys" I said.

"Got everything?" Jack asked me.

"Yep, all set" I told them. I then drove off to our destination. It was about a 20 minute drive to the beach. When we got there we parked the car a bit further away, in case Mads saw it. We got out everything we needed. Then we set up everything and put it all in place for her arrival. I didn't want to over do it with anything tacky. Once we were all set up and then we just had to wait for her to arrive.


Mads POV

I didn't really have any plans for the day until the girls told me they had a surprise for me. They were being kind of suspicious with the way they were acting. Charlie left to hangout with the boys this morning so I hadn't seen him since I left for breakfast with my Mum.

I was at Mon's house right now about to leave for the surprise. Every possibility was running through my mind. I never narrowed it down to the one I thought it could actually be. I had no clue.

I walked out to the lounge room to grab my phone and keys and purse. They came out from the bedroom holding up a scarf with 2 big smiles.

"A scarf?" I asked with a questioning frown.

"We need to blindfold you sorry" Mon said going behind me and tying it around my eyes. I groaned in annoyance. They then lead me out the door and into the car. I sat in the back with Grace holding onto me and Mon driving in the front. It took about 20 minutes before we reached our destination. It was pretty boring sitting in the backseat of the car with a blindfold on. And I still had no clue where we were.

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