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Mads POV

I woke up to banging on the door this morning. I was laying on the couch. Matt was on the other couch. I must have fallen asleep during the movie and I guess Matt did too. I was still wearing Charlie's jumper which was really comfy. I walked towards the door which was still being knocked on. I opened the door realising I probably looked like shit and my hair was a mess. When I opened it I looked up to see Charlie's smiling face. It was so early. Don't get me wrong, I love him, almost but I was tired and it was only 7:00. I walked away from the door and lay back on the couch. Charlie shut the door behind him when walking in and came towards the couch. "I love seeing you like this" he said.

"Ha ha, very funny" I said sarcastically. He came and sat next to me. I wrapped my arms around him and put my legs on his lap. I put my head in his neck crevice.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'm just tired" I told him.

"Sorry for coming so early, I just wanted to see you" He told me. That made me giddy inside.

"That's okay, I missed you too" I told him pecking him on the lips. We broke away from the kiss, totally forgetting Matt was asleep on the couch next to us. Matt was now waking up. He sat up on the couch looking at us then rubbing his eyes.

"When did you get here?" He asked Charlie.

"Just then" Charlie said. Matt stood up and shook Charlie's hand then walking out of the room. I stood up and opened the back door for Piper and Daisy. They ran out probably wanting to play on the grass.

"So, the party" Charlie said which confused me a bit.

"What about it?" I asked him.

"What are you gonna wear cause you know other boys will be there right?" He said which made me giggle. "I'm serious Mads" he said grabbing my hand.

"I know. Don't worry, you won't be disappointed. Anyway I don't care about other guys cause I have a boyfriend" I told him kissing his cheek.

"Some boys don't care about that" he said dropping his head.

"I'm pretty sure Pat and Caleb wouldn't invite anyone bad" I told him lifting his head.

"You're right, sorry I'm just a little paranoid" he said.

"It's okay babe" I said hoping he wouldn't react too much to what I just called him.

"Babe?" He asked.

"Yeahhhh?" I said hiding in his neck.

"Don't worry I like it... babe" he said kissing me.

"Good" I said.

Charlie and I just watched movies and cuddled for a few hours, then he decided to go home and get ready for the party. I decided to go and pick out my outfit. I needed to find the perfect outfit. Not to riskay and not to covering. He found my favourite pair of jeans and my black and gold belt. I paired it with my long sleeve black sheer top and a black bralett, I think Charlie would appreciate my outfit. I set it out on my bed and went to shower. I hopped in the shower and let the warm water run down my small figure. I grabbed my lavender shampoo and put it all through my hair. I did the same with the conditioner rinsing them both out one by one. Then I shaved my legs and armpits and rinsed off completely. I got out and squeezed my hair out and wrapped a towel around my head and my body. I stood on the bath mat drying my hair and brushing it out. Once I did that I washed my face and did my skin care routine consisting of moisturiser, toner and facial spray. I then got our my hair dryer and started drying my long hair as easily as possible. Once I dried my hair I went back into my room and got dressed into my outfit I picked out earlier. I sat on my bed while putting on my black thin strap heels, they matched my outfit really well. It was now 6:00 and the party started at 7:00. I went back to the bathroom and started doing my makeup. I did my usual makeup routine, not to cakey but enough to cover up. I did a small winged eyeliner and some mascara. I defined my cheekbones with my favourite bronzer and highlighting palette. I put some nude lipliner all over my lips. Once I finished my makeup I turned on my curling iron. Once it was fully heated I started curling my hair into light waves.

It took me a long time but I was finally finished and it looked really good. I put on my silver heart necklace and then I walked out into the lounge room to wait for Matt. He walked out 10 minutes later, all ready to go. I grabbed my black channel purse that my family got me for my 21st. We decided to take Matts car so he was the designated driver. We got in and drove off the Caleb and Patrick's house. We got there at 7:10 so some people would be there already. We walked up to the front door and Matt just opened the door, he didn't even knock, he never did. We walked in to the house and we were greeted my Jack even though it's not his house.

"Hey guys!" Jack said.

"Hey Jack!" I said kissing him on the cheek and giving him a hug.

"Damn Mads!" Grace said coming up to greet me.

"Hey gorgeous" I said to her. She was wearing a bodycon dress that fit her perfectly. Mon made her way over and said hello. We walked into the kitchen greeting Jacob, Caleb and Patrick as we did. We gave them the bottle of wine and beers we bought and they put them straight in the ice bucket. I put my bag in Pats room cause I knew he wouldn't mind and Graces bag was in there too. I walked back into the kitchen and grabbed a drink. I made a gin and tonic with some lime in a red disposable cup.

I was chatting with Matt about his girlfriend Kathleen. The party started about half an hour ago and there was still no sign of Charlie. I wasn't worried but I'm his girlfriend so I just wanted to know where he was.

10 minutes later, I needed to go to the bathroom so I decided to go to the one upstairs. I made my way up the stairs and into the bathroom. The lock on this door didn't work which was really annoying. I did my business and then I washed my hands. When I was washing my hands someone came into the bathroom. I didn't really hear them because of the running water. I felt them slip their hands around my waist and I got a shock. I turned around and I saw him.

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