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Madison's POV

Yesterday was such a great day. It turned out so different then I thought it would. After Charlie asked me to walk through the park with him, we talked for hours just trying to get to know each other a bit better considering he knew my brother and we play for the same club. He was so different than any guy I had ever been interested in. He was kind, gentle and loving. I had learnt all of this about him in the first 10 minutes of meeting him.

I was currently lying in my bed thinking about Charlie of course. I had training today which should be interesting since none of the boys know what went down with Charlie and I yesterday. Honestly, I'm not so sure how they will react.

I decide I need to get up and get ready for training. I walk out into the kitchen to see my older brother Matthew sitting at the kitchen bench with Patrick Cripps one of my very best friends, eating some breakfast. I had become very close with him and his girlfriend who is now one of my best girlfriends, over the past couple years. I'm guessing he stayed over last night after whatever they were doing out with all the boys.

"Good morning" I said with a smile on my face.

"MADS" Patrick shouted with excitement.

"PAT" I shouted back to him. He got off of the stool and came and picked me up and spun me around. We hadn't seen each other in over a week, which is a really long time for us to go with out hanging out.

"I missed you" he stated.

"I missed you too pat" I said still cuddling up to him.

"Good morning to you too mads" my brother spoke watching us from the kitchen.

"Morning Matty" I say hugging him from behind. He smiled back at me.

"Ready to go soon?" He asked both of us.

"Yep" Patrick and I both replied.

I grabbed some vegemite toast from the kitchen and headed to my room to get ready for the boys and girls open training today. I popped on my short sleeve Carlton training shirt and shorts with my orange nike boots. I grabbed my Carlton backpack with my number ( 9 ) on it. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and decided to text Monique and Grace to see if they were free for lunch tomorrow. I hadn't seen them in a couple days so I wanted to catch up and talk about Charlie cause they will understand. Plus, I have no one else to talk to about him. Once I finished I grabbed my keys, phone, money, sunscreen, hat and a change of clothes for training. I headed out of my room to find Matty and Pat standing by the door waiting.

"Ready to go?" Pat asked,

"Yep" I replied.

We made our way out of the house, locking the door behind me. We hopped into my black Jeep parked in the driveway. Matthew sat in the back, Pat in the passenger seat and leaving me to drive in the front. We lived in Richmond so it was about a 15 minute drive to the club. I was so excited to get to the club so I could see all the boys and talk to Charlie again. Charlie and I had been texting all night but it wasn't enough. I wanted to hear his voice.

When we got to the club, I parked in my usual spot out the front of the club. We all jumped out of the car and walked through the doors. It was an open training today so there will be 100's of fans here soon. We walked down to the change rooms and put our bags down and headed to the play/warm up room where all the girls and boys were starting to pile in ready for training. They were all playing a game of basketball. I spotted Jacob, Jack and Caleb across the room chatting away. They hadn't noticed me so I decided to sneak up on them. I started walking towards me when Jack turned around.

"MADS!" He yelled, getting Jacob and Caleb's attention. The three of them came running towards me with beaming smiles on their faces. I jumped into their arms and we had a big group hug in the middle of the basketball game. Everyone was yelling at us to get out of the way. I was so glad to be back with my boys. They mean everything to me, I would do anything for them. Pat and Matt came and joined us. Eventually we got out of the way and they put me back on the ground.

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