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Mads POV

I have always had this idea of finding something perfect and imagining myself wearing it when I married the love of my life. It was quite a daunting task, finding something perfect. I wanted Charlie to like it and everyone else to. That's why I felt a heap of pressure but I was trying to calm the nerves I had. I was going wedding dress shopping with Grace, Mon, Mikayla, my Mum and Charlie's Mum. They were the most important women in my life and I valued their opinion so much.

I sort of had a good idea about the dress I wanted. If I didn't find it I knew it wasn't the end of the world. But I definitely wanted to find it. I also wasn't too fussed about the cost, the quality or anything like that. I just wanted a dress that fit well and looked nice for the day.

Charlie was one of those people that couldn't handle surprises. He gets too excited and wants to know what's going on. That's why I asked the boys to occupy him for the day because I didn't want him to know anything about my dress until he saw me walking down the isle.

I was having a pretty lazy day up until I realised I had to get ready to go. I had a shower and put on some loose jeans and a white t shirt. We were going to a sort of high end dress shop. Because of Charlie's salary he had been earning with his incredible form, he wanted me to go all out on my dress. I wasn't one to spend a lot of money on something I was only going to wear once. That's why I was planning on looking at the cheaper options. I just believed there are better things we can put the money towards it. I was going to humour Charlie though so he would shut up and not hassle me about it.

I put on my everyday white sneakers and grabbed my handbag from the kitchen bench. I put on some light makeup and perfume to present myself in a respectful manor. I almost couldn't contain my excitement to get there as I rushed out the door. I was a little bit late but obviously they couldn't start without me.

I headed out to my car. I was meeting everyone at the dress shop. I drove to the shop that was in the city. I was a bit nervous because I didn't want to be judged. To me that was the worst part about shopping. There was also the factor of not finding my dream dress. It wasn't something I was panicking about but it was sitting in the back of my mind.

I parked in a car park inside a shopping centre because parking near the dress shop was going to cost me more. I was all about saving money where I could. I walked to the dress shop not able to wipe the smile off my face. My smile only grew larger when I saw everyone waiting outside for me.

"Hey guys" I said walking up to them.

"Madison finally" mum said to me. I greeted everyone with a hug before we all walked inside. It all became real when I walked in. Of course I had gone wedding dress shopping with Mon and Mikayla's weddings before but this was me we were talking about. This was my wedding, my dress and it was so different.

We had an appointment because with place like this you had to or you weren't allowed. We were perfectly on time. The lady lead us to a room with a couch where we could sit down. She gave us some champagne and everyone sat down on the couch. I stood in front of them all. I felt like I was on 'say yes to the dress' or some reality show. This definitely wasn't how I pictured buying my dress but I wasn't angry about it.

"I just wanted to say, thank you all for coming. I wouldn't have wanted anyone else to help me pick my wedding dress so... let's get started" I said to them. They all had huge smiles on their faces. I walked around and found a couple of dresses I liked, with the girls showing me ones they thought I would like too. I brought them to the change rooms and began trying them on.

I walked out with the first dress on to show them. I definitely know that you aren't supposed to buy the first one you see but I liked this one a lot. But I thought I could find something better.

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