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Madison POV

I was going on a date with Jaeger today. I had finally found a way to get Charlie out of my mind. I was really enjoying Jaegers company. He is such a gentlemen and cares so much about my feelings which was really nice. We were already good friends so we were extremely comfortable around each other. I have no idea what Charlie is doing and I don't care anymore. I want him to move on and if he has, then I'll be happy for him.

We were going out for lunch after he finished training. He told me to meet him at the cafe for our lunch 'date'. I was really looking forward to it. I put on a red spotted wrap dress and some white sneakers. I put on some makeup and some perfume. I grabbed my handbag and my keys and phone. I decided to text Jaeger that I was going to bring the dogs. He was happy with it. Piper and Daisy really love him. Jaeger and I had been hanging out a lot at my mums house so the dogs spent a lot of time with him. I hooked them up to their leads and put them in the back seat of the car as usual. I drove to the restaurant that we were meeting at. I parked somewhere near the front, as close as I could. I saw Jaegers car so I parked next to it. I walked the dogs to the cafe, they rugged harshly on my lead but I tried my best to control them. I saw Jaeger sitting at a table, he was looking down at his phone. I walked closer and he looked up when I was almost at the table. He saw Piper and Daisy pulling towards him and a smile flashed across his face. It was followed by a laugh at my expense. He knew how much I was struggling with the dogs so he just laughed at me which made me smile. His laugh was utterly contagious.

"Hey guys!" He said as he stood up to pet them as I finally reached the table outside the cafe.

"Hi gorgeous" he said as he stood up from the dogs and pecked me on the cheek. He has been so flirty with me lately, I liked it a lot. I hadn't experienced this side of Jaeger. We were always just friends before so I was thoroughly enjoying this side of him. We were basically dating but we hadn't made anything official yet. I still wasn't 100% sure if I wanted another relationship at the moment. My head says I'm over Charlie but not my heart. I just needed more time to think about it and Jaeger knew that. He was so supportive in not rushing me. He wanted what is best for me and he knew I would come to that decision eventually. He was so respectful towards me and it was so refreshing.

We sat down at the table, I tied the dogs to the chair I was sitting on. They both lay on the floor and watched the people walking past. They were really well behaved for a pie of big dogs. They never went to puppy school or anything, I just got lucky.

Then the waitress came over and took our lunch order. I was feeling like a sandwich so I picked one off the menu and asked the waitress for it along with a water. Jaeger ordered his and then the waitress took out menus and walked back inside. I then turned my head back to Jaeger and started up a conversation with him. He was smiling largely at me which could only make me smile back.

"How was training?" I asked him referring to the session he had today.

"It was good, preseason is hard work" he said.

"Yeah, I get that" I told him, agreeing with what he said.

"Oh yeah, when do you go back?" He asked me.

"I'm actually back already, our first game is next Friday" I told him, talking about the first AFLW game of the year next week.

"Great, maybe I can come cheer you on" he said as a smirk grew on his face.

Our lunch came quite quickly after that. The waitress placed our meals in front of us and left us to enjoy them. We both dug in, occasionally sharing what we had left. We ate quite quickly because we were both extremely hungry. We then decided to go for a walk along the coastline. It was a really nice and sunny day so we thought we would take advantage of it while we still did. Melbourne weather changed all the time so days like this were hard to come by. We left the cafe after we paid and started walking. Jaeger insisted he paid. He didn't really give me a choice because he ran inside while I untied the dogs so I couldn't pay myself. Then he pretended like he didn't know what I was talking about when I asked him. He just laughed it off, which of course made me laugh too. Jaeger took Pipers lead from me and I held Daisy's.

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