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Mads POV

It's been about a month since the incident with Charlie. I haven't seen him since that day at the club, and I don't plan to. I've moved on with my life. Do I still love him? Yes, I will always love him, but he broke me and somehow, I couldn't get over that. Despite that, I was meeting up with his family today. Cassie, Eliza and Charlotte have wanted to talk to me since that day but I wasn't ready. I was in a really bad state a few weeks ago. I wasn't talking to anyone and I couldn't really do anything. That was all over now because I knew I had to eventually get over it.

Today I was going for coffee with them at a cafe. I put on a checkered dress with a denim jacket and some white sneakers. I did some makeup and put on some perfume along with my gold necklaces. I headed out the door and jumped into my black Jeep. I drove to the cafe in Melbourne city. I parked the car out front and walked inside. They weren't here yet so I just got a table and ordered a smoothie because I don't drink coffee.

5 minutes later I saw 3 curly haired ladies walking towards me. You couldn't miss them in a crowd. I stood up from the table to greet them.

"Hi" I said with a faint smile on my face.

"Hello love" Cassie said almost breaking down. I knew she was emotional about the situation because she cares about me and her son. She only wanted us to be happy, so now that we aren't together, she is taking it pretty hard.

"You look so good Madison" Charlotte said as she kissed my cheek.

"Thank you Charlotte" I said to her. I then gave Eliza a hug and we all sat down.

"How have you been?" Charlotte asked me.

"Um, I've been good, yeah I'm trying to not think about it and get on with my footy and my vet nursing" I told them.

"That's fantastic sweetie" Cassie said holding my hands tightly.

"Well, I personally just wanted to tell you something Madison" Eliza spoke up.

"Sure Eliza" I said to her surprised because she was usually very stand off towards me.

"I know you probably think I don't like you and I know I was a bit tough on you in the beginning. It's only because I knew how good you were for Charlie. I thought it was too good to be true so I was trying to see how you coped with us. I'm also very sorry for what he did" Eliza told me.

"Thank you Eliza" I said holding her hand.

"I wanted to say that I'm really very embarrassed for Charlie's actions and I'm really sorry to. I am so disappointed in him. You deserve to find a really good guy Madison" Charlotte said.

"I really appreciate that" I said to her. "Could you please tell him something for me?" I told them.

"Of course honey" Cassie said.

"Tell him that I'll always love him but we both have to live our lives for now. Tell him that I miss him too please" I told them.

"We will, thank you" Cassie said.

After that conversation we just talked about our lives and how we were all doing. I asked them about Charlie and they said he was doing okay. Apparently he hadn't done much since we broke up. I was quite taken back by this. I didn't want Charlie to do this to himself. I wanted him to live his life and do what he always wanted to do.

After we finished our drinks I said goodbye and drove home. I couldn't stop thinking about what they told me. This was the last thing I wanted Charlie to do. We both needed to move on and he needed to focus on his footy. I don't want him to be distracted and jeopardise his career. Unless his family talks some sense into him, there is nothing I could do.


Charlie's POV

Mum, Charlotte and Eliza were currently out for coffee with Madison. I hadn't seen her since our breakup. She didn't want to see me anyway. I hoped she was doing well. I wasn't doing the best because all I could feel was guilt for what I had done. Being apart for this very reason made me miss her even more. I think I might have taken her for granted even with the amount of love I have for her. I can't get the thoughts out of my mind. It's just all I think about and how I could have changed it or prevented it from happening. I really don't know what came over me but I can't control it anymore. She won't talk to me and I completely understand why. It will just take a while to get used to it. I was hoping maybe my mum and sisters could talk to her and try and make the situation better but I knew the chances of that happening were very slim.

I just waited anxiously for them to return. I was currently staying with my parents in their house because everything at my house just reminded me of Mads and I couldn't stand to look at it anymore. It made me feel worse and that's why my parents insisted that I stayed with them.

I was sitting in my room when I heard the front door open. I rushed out of my room to see all three of them put their stuff down and have a chat in the kitchen.

"Hey guys" I said making my way into the kitchen.

"Hey Charlie" mum said coming up to me and greeting me.

"How is she?" I asked them nervously. I was really eager to find out how it went.

"Uh, she's good. She's focused on her footy and vet nursing, she's good Charlie" Charlotte said.

"That's good" I said rubbing the back of my neck and looking at the ground.

"She told us something to tell you" Eliza said quietly which perked my ears up.

"Really? What did she say?" I asked them, quickly raising my head to find out what she said.

"She told us to tell you that she'll always love you, but she wants you to get on with your life so she can too and she misses you too Charlie" Mum told me giving me a hug. She knew that would really hurt me but at the same time I couldn't have predicted anything else. Everything she said was fair I was just too in love to see that I needed to listen to what she was saying.

"Thanks" I said walking back to my room. She still loves me and she misses me but I screwed everything up completely and now I might have lost her forever. I was disappointed with what they came back with but not at all surprised. I just had to move on and keep the hope of one day, somehow reigniting what we had before.



Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Please vote and comment what you thought! I thought that maybe this chapter could be a celebration for the blues winning but unfortunately the boys couldn't get up. Good fight back at the end that gave me a heart attack but anyway, here it is, as promised!


Let me just say, I love this man

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Let me just say, I love this man. He played so well, I'm so proud of him x

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