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Mads POV

Today was the day Charlie and I were going to tell our families that we were having a baby. The only people that know so far are Charlie, Grace, Mon and obviously me. We were also telling the boys today which I was nervous about.

We were first going to my Mums house for lunch. We had a family game night every Saturday so we decided to tell them at that. We just brought it forward a couple of hours because we told them about how we had somewhere to be after. We were going to Charlie's parents house to tell them as well.

It was pretty much the whole group coming to Mum's house. That being Mum, Mikayla, Matt and all the boys. After that we were going to Charlie's parents house for dinner. I was barely showing yet even though I was 2 months already. There was definitely a little bump. A little bump that Charlie is convinced is bigger than it actually is. He wants my stomach to show but he has to wait a big longer.

I know that my mum and sister know me really well. They know what my body looks like so I had to wear something big so no one could tell. I got dressed into a loose, long wrap dress so they couldn't tell at all. I put on some comfy white sneakers as always and did my hair and makeup. Charlie was getting the dogs ready to go outside. He put them out and then we walked out the house, to the car.

Charlie had been very dramatic with taking care of me. He wanted everyone to be careful and I couldn't do anything myself. It was really cute that he was being protective but I think when I get more heavily pregnant, I will start to get annoyed at it. He helped me in the car and then got in himself and drove off. We were planning on telling them by playing a game of hangman. We didn't want to over complicate it so we came up with this idea. We still wanted it to be fun and creative. After one of them figured it out in the game, then we would show them the first ultrasound picture of when Charlie and I went a few weeks ago.

I knew this baby was going to have a lot of attention. It had 3 aunts and 3 uncles that were biological, but the baby really has 2 more aunts and 4 more uncles. I counted our friends as their aunts and uncles because I knew they would always be there for him or her.

When we arrived at my Mums house, we got out together and held hands as we walked inside. We walked to the lounge room where everyone was already sitting.

"We're here!" Charlie yelled as we walked in.

"Hey guys" I said as they all got up to greet us. "How are you all?" I asked as I sat down on the couch.

"Pretty good. How are you two?" Mum asked me.

"We're great" I said leaning my head on Charlie. He rubbed my leg. We sat on the couch with everyone and just caught up. We wanted to wait a bit before we brought up the hangman game or it would be too obvious. Mum brought out some of our usual game night games. We did a game night every month with the boys and now we added Mon, Grace and Charlie. We played a few games like cluedo, charades... etc. Then we thought it was a good time to bring out our 'game'. I tapped Charlie on the leg and he got my message straight away.

"Found something for all of us to play" Charlie announced as he walked back from the other room. He was carrying a whiteboard and markers with him.

"What about Uno?" Matt said.

"We can play that later Matt" mum said.

"How about a game of hangman?" Charlie asked them.

"Cool, Let's go" Pat said sitting forward on the couch. Charlie put the whiteboard and markers on a stand. He set up the hangman board with the sentence going to say 'we are having a baby' and sat next to the board. I stood next to him so I could look at everyone's reactions.

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