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Just wanted to say that in no way do I think Charlie Curnow would ever do anything bad I write in this story it's just for the sake of a bit of drama in the book :))

Mads POV

The party had now ended and I had dried up most of the tears. Charlie and Danielle eventually came out to talk to everyone. I sat talking to Grace and Mon hoping he wouldn't come over. I watched him all night as he socialised with other guests at the party. He kept looking at Danielle who was talking to someone at the opposite end of the party. He occasionally gave me a quick glance to make sure I hadn't seen him do anything. He looked so guilty, it was all over his face. I never thought he would do something like this to me. He was the most genuine person I had ever met. I thought that he really did love me but with what he has shown me tonight, he clearly doesn't. It felt like my world came crashing down. I came here to support my sister and this party has completely flipped on me. I've been cheated on in the past and Charlie never seemed like the person that would do something like that to me. The lead up to me being cheated on in the past was so obvious, but this wasn't. It was never something I imagined happening to me in this particular relationship. I guess you can't really predict those things. You never know who could break your heart. I felt incredibly crushed as I thought about him kissing another woman.

Eventually everyone decided they wanted to leave including Charlie, so I knew I had to face my own relationship problems and go home with him. I told Mikayla and my Mum what happened and they were really supportive. "Bye honey, hope your okay" mum said kissing me on the forehead as I walked out.

"Thanks mum" I said walking out to the car. I got to the car and waited for Charlie to unlock it. He jogged up to the car like nothing was wrong in the world. He unlocked the car and I jumped straight in. We pulled away from the house and drove off home, Charlie was waving to everyone as we left. I turned my body away from him not wanting him to touch me like he usually did in the car. He kept glancing over at me, eventually noticing my facial expressions and body language. That's when he knew that I knew what he had done. We finally got home and I wanted to run away but I couldn't. I didn't want to face Charlie because I couldn't even look at him. I look at him with such different emotions now then I did this morning. When we reached home, Charlie jumped out of the car first and walked up to the door straight away starting to unlock it. He was trying to act normal, hoping the situation would settle down a bit but I knew it wouldn't. It hurt even more that he didn't have the courage to tell me.

I got out of the car pondering what I did to get my relationship this way. Tears came to my eyes thinking about this boy that I was so in love with and how he completely broke me in just a few hours. I didn't want to talk to him but obviously he didn't notice. He unlocked the door and walked straight in and sat on the couch. I decided I couldn't face him tonight. I thought about what to do. I didn't think that any discussion between Charlie and I at this time of night would do anyone any good. I ran into the guest room the tears falling heavier as I did. I heard Charlie get off the couch and come over to the door. I locked the door and sat on the bed. He started knocking. I felt relieved that the locked door was between me and Charlie. I couldn't look at him and I didn't want to. Every time I did it broke me. It reminds me of what he did with her. It hurt too much and if there was a way to avoid it for a bit while I got myself together, I was going to take it.

"Mads? Are you alright?" He asked me still pretending not to know. I didn't respond. I went into the shower and turned it on. I went back into the room and heard him slide down the door outside. "Mads, please open up, I'm really sorry, let me explain" he said. Something switched on in him and he wasn't going to lie anymore. He knew what he did, he knew exactly what he did. I just ignored his request and took my clothes off and stepped into the shower. My sobs grew louder as they echoed off the walls of the bathroom.

Once I finished my shower I put on whatever clothes I could find in the spare room. I hopped into bed and switched the light off. I had training tomorrow, I still wasn't sure if I was gonna go considering Charlie was going. It was training for the men and women so everyone would be there. I curled up in a ball under the covers Charlie was still sitting outside. My crying wouldn't stop and he knew that. I eventually cried myself to sleep.
Charlie's POV

I knew I was an idiot. I just didn't know how big of an idiot I was. I can't believe what I've done to Madison. She was the one for me and now she won't even talk to me. I don't know why I kissed Danielle. I don't even like her, was it my old feelings? That's no excuse to cheat on the love of my life. It hurt me even more to see the way Mads looked at me now. She had hatred in her eyes and it was directed for me.

We were in the car on the way home and her body language said it all. She was facing the outside of the car. She couldn't even look at me.

As we got home, I unlocked the door. She was walking slowly behind me as I walked in the door. I sat down on the couch and put my feet up on the coffee table. I saw from the corner of my eye as tears were flooding her face. It broke me to see her cry over something I had done but I didn't know what to do. I then watched as she sprinted past me and ran into the spare room. I ran up to the shut door as she locked it. I heard her crying from the other side of the door. I tried to talk to her but she didn't want to listen to me and that's fair enough. I then heard her turn the shower on so I dropped my body against the door and held my head in my hands. I heard her cries over the sound of the shower. Hearing her cry made me break inside. Knowing that the reason that this incredible girl was crying was because of me was something I had to live with. All I wanted to do was hold her and tell her it would be okay, but I didn't get that right because it was all my fault...

Eventually I heard the shower turn off I heard Mads get dressed and get into bed. I then heard the lamp switch go off and I could see no light under the door. I heard her, now gentle cries and decided to go to bed. I got into my trackies and climbed into bed. I turned the light off and rolled over.

I woke up in the middle of the night to Mads crying. She was still locked in the spare room. All I wanted to do was see her and hug her. I can't believe I messed everything up like that. I actually kissed my ex , like how stupid can I get. I sat back out in the hall by the spare room door listening to her cries. I am such an asshole to hurt her like that. I don't deserve her, even though I probably don't have her anymore. I decided to go back to bed and see what happens tomorrow. This was going to take a lot to get her back in my life.

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