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Mads POV

I woke up this morning on the couch with a fluffy blanket on me. My mum was in the kitchen cooking something for breakfast. She must have put a blanket on me last night not wanting to disturb me. I was still crying last night and mum just comforted me. Matt stayed over too, to make sure I was alright. I think I was going to live here for a while and spend some time with my mum. I needed to get my stuff from Charlie's but I really didn't want to go over there. The girls told me they were going to come over today. I tried to tell them I'm fine but they didn't believe me and neither did I. I wasn't alright. I was completely broken inside but I didn't want everyone to have to put up with my relationship drama. They were coming over whenever they wanted to. We were probably just going to walk the dogs and chill at home. I didn't really want to go out but I knew they would force me to. They're very supportive friends that I'm very glad I have. I checked my phone and I had a billion messages from the group chat with Grace and Mon. I had no messages from Charlie but a billion from his family. I was going to have to talk to them eventually, but not now, I'm not ready yet. I got up from the couch. My neck had a sharp pain from the way I was sleeping all night. I walked into the kitchen to see mum cooking something and Matt talking to her from the stools by the bench. I went and sat on one of the stools.

"Morning sis" Matt said rubbing my back. I smiled at him as a response.

"I made avocado toast just for you" She said placing it in front of me.

"Thank you so much mum" I said.

"You're welcome honey" she replied. I began eating my breakfast. When I was finished I went and sat on the couch, then I realised oh my god. I ran back to the kitchen.

"Daisy and Piper are still there" I told them.

"Mads it's okay, I'll go get them this afternoon" Matt said.

"I'll go with him and get some of your clothes to last you a while" mum said.

"Thank you guys, I'm sorry to drag you into this" I said feeling emotional again.

"I'm your mum, you can drag me into anything" she said.

"Thank you" I said going around the bench and hugging my mum.


Matt's POV

I was on my way to Charlie and Madison's old house to pick up her stuff and her dogs. Mum was in the passengers seat. We were both a bit nervous to see Charlie again. Mum held onto my spare hand as I drove.

"Promise me you won't lash out, he's probably not in a good state either Matt" she told me.

"I won't, I'm doing this for Mads" I said.

"Thank you" she said. After that we pulled up at their house. Charlie's car was parked in the garage which meant he was home. We both got out of the car and grabbed the bags we brought to take her stuff home. We walked up to the front door and mum knocked softly. It took like a minute or two for someone to open the door and eventually they did. The door opened to Charlie's mum Cassie.

"Oh uh hi Courtney, Matt, how are you guys?" She asked with a confused frown on her face.

"Um we're okay thanks, how are you?" Mum asked her.

"Yeah good.....yeah, thanks" Cassie said hesitantly.

"We just came for Madison's stuff and her dogs" I interrupted not wanting to get into the sappy conversations. They both looked at me as I said that. Then Charlie came up to the door.

"Mum who's at the do-" he started but didn't finish his sentence since he saw us standing by the door. He had blood shot eyes and his hair was all messed up. His face was red and splotchy.

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