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Mads POV

I woke up this morning with both my dogs flopped on top of me (Piper is a dashaund and Daisy is a golden retriever). They were both still asleep, but they wouldn't be when I moved a single muscle. They were very protective dogs when it came to strangers.

I decided that I was just going to have a chill day today, relaxing with my dogs. I sat on the couch and put on some vampire diaries on Netflix. I had seen this show a billion times and yet I never got sick of it.

I had been watching it for about an hour when I heard banging on my door. I went to the door and opened it to my 2 best friends holding bags of food from woolies and a bunch of dvds. We said our hellos and I let them inside.

"So...not to be rude but why are you guys here?" I said hoping they didn't take it the wrong way.

"Um okay, well we came for a girls day in" Grace told me.

"Until we go out tonight" Mon blurted out.

"What? Guys no, I just wanted a chill day at home" I told them.

"Trust me, you'll love it" Grace said.

"Where are we going?" I asked them.

"We are going to the beach! With all the boys" Mon told me with a smile on her face, hoping I would want to go.

"Really..."I said not sounding that into it.

"Charlie will be there" Grace admitted.

"I'm listening..." I said sounding more acceptable of going out tonight.

"Yes! So are you in?" Mon asked.

"I guess" I finally agreed. They were happy I said yes. After we sorted that out, we all sat down and watched vampire diaries for a couple of hours. Eventually, it reached 3:00 and it was time to get ready for the beach. I asked the girls for their advice on what I should wear. I took them to my room and opened my swim suit collection for them to look through.

"So? What have you decided?" I asked them getting impatient with how long they were taking.

"You have to wear this black bikini, this is so hot Mads and you never wear it" Grace told me as she held it up.

"Do you think Charlie will like it?" I asked them blushing.

"If he doesn't, he's blind cause you will look smoking hot babe" Mon said. I finally agreed with them and went and put it on.

I came out of the bathroom in my bikini

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I came out of the bathroom in my bikini. "Oh my god Madison Kennedy" they said raising their voices.

"Aw thanks girls, I don't know what I would do without you guys" I told them. After that I put on a white off the shoulder loose jumpsuit. I loved this beach jumpsuit so much.

Once my outfit was all together, I went and put on a very light layer of makeup and some perfume. I grabbed a beach bag and put a jacket in it for later on when it gets cold. I grabbed my sunglasses and a towel. I went into the lounge room when I was all ready. The girls where in there waiting by the door. I put Daisy and Piper outside and gave them some dinner. I went to the front door locking it behind me.  I went to Graces car and hopped in the passengers seat. We drove down to the closest beach to my house. When we arrived, everyone was already there drinking and chatting away. We got out of the car capturing everyone's attention. Grace and Mon marched over to the group. I stayed backing walking slowly towards everyone, trying to take in what everyone was doing. I don't think anyone realised I was there until Caleb came up to me, he was in the middle of a conversation with Charlie. Charlie was facing his back to me so when Caleb came towards me Charlie had a confused look on his face. The look eventually went away when his eyes met mine. He came up with a smile on his face. Whenever I saw this boy, he always had a smile on his face. He came over and kissed me on the cheek and through his arm around me. We made our way over to the rest of the groups. I said hello to all the boys and their partners. I stood next to Charlie while he was talking to people. I just enjoyed watching him socialise.

It had been about half an hour and everyone had decided to go for a swim now. Everyone started taking their clothes off, with their swimsuits underneath. Charlie took his shirt off, already wearing his board shorts. I stared at him in awe. He had the most perfect body oh my god. He looked so good right now I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I realised everyone else was walking to the water and I hadn't taken my jumpsuit off yet. Everyone got straight in. Charlie was playing around with the boys. I slowly took my jumpsuit off and put it in my beach bag. I walked towards the water. Charlie looked at me while playing with the boys. He stopped playing to stare at me.

"Bro stop staring at my sister" Matt commented.

"Sorry mate" he replied. Charlie couldn't take his eyes off me. He came out of the water to greet me in. I got closer to the waves and touched the ocean with the tip of my toes. Charlie came up to greet me. He leaned his head down to my ear and then suddenly, he swept me off of my feet. He started walking towards the water with me in his arms. I felt safe with Charlie. He walked further into the water and placed me down nicely. I dove under the water and slicked my hair back. I swam out to where the girls were talking.

"Hey girls" I said swimming up to them.

"How's it going with Charlie?" Grace asked me.

"It's amazing, I really like him but he hasn't shown any indication he feels the same so I don't really know what to do" I told them.

"Babe just keep hanging out with him, I'm sure he just wants to take it slow with you" Mon said.

"Yeah, just don't read too much into it" Grace told me.

"Yeah your right, I just want something to happen already" I said sighing and going under water.

We spent another 20 minutes in the water and then we all got out because the sun was setting. We all sat down around the bonfire that Caleb started. I sat next to Patrick and Jacob. We were talking about the next training session at the club. I was listening to the conversation but I started to tune out the conversation. I was thinking about Charlie and I, did he really like me. I really hoped he did because I never felt this way about anyone. I saw Charlie get up when Mon came over to him and asked him something. They went away from the group and they were talking about something. I really wanted to know what they were talking about. Then Mon had a smile grow on her face and gave Charlie a hug. They both came back over and sat down next to each other. I wondered what was going on there. They never really talked, so why now. I forgot about my thoughts and tuned back into the conversation.

"Mads?" Patrick questioned waving his hand in my face.

"Yeah? Sorry I tuned out" I told them.

"How's it going with Chazza?" Jack said coming over to join the conversation.

"Uh, well he hasn't really made a move, so I don't know if he's really into me" I told them.

"Don't worry too much about it Mads" Patrick said putting his hand on my back.

"Yeah, that's what everyone keeps telling me though" I told them.

The sunset was almost over and I was looking out onto the ocean. Everyone else was packing up and ready to go while I stayed back to look at the water once more. Everyone started getting in their cars and leaving. Then I saw a figure appear in front of me.....it was Charlie.

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