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October 23rd

Wedding day

Mads POV

Today was my wedding day. MY wedding day. I was getting married to Charlie in less than 6 hours. The day had finally come and I couldn't control my nerves and excitement. All I could think about was how Charlie would be feeling now. I had a few worries for the day ahead but that was just my anxiety taking over. I was much more excited than nervous.

I woke up in the hotel room king sized bed. Mikayla was in the bed beside me. She stayed over with me because I didn't want to be alone. It already felt weird not seeing Charlie so I wanted some company. She was my maid of honour after all so she was happy to oblige.

We were staying at a hotel in a winery, it was where my parents got married. It was a beautiful place to get married and it was really popular. I always wanted to get married somewhere I had a personal connection with. This place was sentimental to my family so we didn't think twice when picking our location. We used to come to the hotel all the time as kids. Once our parents got married there, they always brought us back because all the staff and stuff knew us.

I got out of bed because I heard gentle knocking on the front door. I got out of bed in my pyjamas because I knew who it was. I opened it to Grace, Mon and Mum standing in the hall way. They all had super excited looks on their faces which just made me more excited, if that was even possible.

"It's your wedding day!" Mum yelled. I could tell how excited she was for another one of her children getting married. She was such a big help during the whole planning process, I really needed all her help.

"I know" I said laughing with delight.

"Be quiet!" Kayla yelled from the bed. She was always grumpy in the mornings. It didn't surprise me at all that she was still asleep at 9:00 in the morning. I decided to be the annoying little sister that I am and jump on her.

"Get up Kayla!" I shouted at her enthusiastically. I really really wanted her to get up because I couldn't wait to start getting ready.

"Okay okay I'm up" she said giving in to me.

"I'm going to have a shower" I told them. I went into the bathroom and turned on the fancy shower. I have to admit it took me a few minutes to figure out how to use it. Once it warmed up, I got in and washed my body and hair. I stayed under the warmth for a while, thinking about the exciting day I had ahead. After 15 minutes in the shower, I got out and I dried my hair with a towel. I put on a robe because I wasn't getting dressed yet. It had my name on the back. The wedding planning company gave one to me and all the bridesmaids for the morning.


Time flew by really fast and it was already 12:00. The wedding ceremony was at 2:00. We had just been talking all morning, waiting for the right time to start getting ready. I wanted enough time but I didn't want to get ready too early. I was just doing what ever Mikayla told me because she organised most of the Wedding day stuff. I didn't want to stress, that's why I asked for Mikayla's help. The first thing I needed to do was get my makeup done. Mikayla's friend who was a makeup artist was doing everyone's for the day. Then I needed my hair done. I wanted it up because I didn't want it in my face.

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