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Mads POV

He held his hand out for me to grab so he could help me up.

"Do you wanna come for a chat?" He asked me.

"Uh yeah sure" I told him. He then helped me up and we walked silently to a quiet spot on the beach. There was a towel and some pillows laid out nicely on the beach. When we got there, Charlie turned to face me and held my hands. His hands were sweaty, he seemed nervous. He looked down into my eyes. I squeezed his hands to reassure him for whatever was going on.

"Uhhhh" he said shaking out all the nerves. "Madison Kennedy" he said to me.

"Yes?" I responded.

"From the day that I helped you up from the ground of the dog park, I couldn't help but feel a certain way towards you. Even though it might be a bit soon, I am falling in love with you Madison" He told me. Not many people had told me they were falling in love with me. If they did it was always a lie or a joke or it wasn't reciprocated. This was definitely a different situation. I looked at him with my eyes watering and I think it showed that I am falling in love with him too.

"I'm falling in love with you too Charlie" I told him. He wrapped me in a hug. I covered my face but he took them off my face and held them tight again.

"Mads, I was wondering...." he started off. My heart started beating faster than it ever has before. I got goosebumps on every inch of my body. I felt my hands shaking and I think Charlie noticed because he held them tighter and opened his mouth to finish his sentence.

"I was wondering, if you would be my girlfriend?" He asked me. The question I had been waiting for. I can't believe he asked me that. We were finally together. Then I snapped out of my thoughts and realised I had to answer the question.

"Of course Charlie" I told him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing his lips softly.

"I'm so happy right now" he told me in between kissing me. He started kissing down my neck moving my hair behind my ear. I put my hand in his hair squeezing it. He made his way back up to my lips kissing me again. This time it was deeper. There was more passion and love. He picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist. He sat on the beach towel and flipped us over so I was on my back. He kissed me again, this time smiling into the kiss. "I'm so glad you said yes" he told me, still kissing my lips gently.

"Me too" I said.

After that Charlie and I stayed like that for a bit, enjoying each other's company. Then we packed up the blankets and pillows and stuff. We put everything in Charlie's car and both climbed in the front. Charlie held my hand as he drove away from the beach. He drove to my house and looked at me as he pulled into my drive way.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow" I said feeling a bit awkward.

"Yeah for sure" he said smiling because he knew I was nervous and awkward. "Goodnight Mads" he said as he leaned over the middle compartment of the car. He used his hand to push the hair out of my face as he laid his lips on mine. I smiled and laughed a little through the kiss.

"Goodnight Charlie" I said as he wouldn't let go of my hand. "Goodnight" I said as I gave him one last kiss on the cheek.

"Night" He said as he jokingly got upset.

I walked up to my front door and waved at him before he drove off. I got my key out of my bag and unlocked the door. When I walked in I felt 2 pairs of eyes staring at me. Grace and Mon somehow were sitting on my couch looking at me waiting for an explanation.

"How'd you guys get in here?" I asked them as I put my bag down.

"Matt" Grace stated.

"Okay. Is he here?" I asked them as I looked down the halls for a sign of him. Matt then emerged from his room and walked down the hall to the kitchen.

"Hey Mads" he said not looking up from his phone.

"Hey" I said still looking at the girls.

"God damnit Madison! Just tell us what happened!" Mon eventually snapped.

"What are you talking about?" I said.

"With Charlie?" Grace said. A great big smile formed on my face thinking about Charlie and I. I was now his girlfriend and it was all I could think about.

"What about him?" I said trying to be annoying.

"What did he say after we left?" Grace asked. I sat down on the couch next to them. I was looking forward but I could feel their eyes glaring at me. I then quickly turned towards them.

"Heaskedmetobehisgirlfriend" I blurted out. They didn't even need me to repeat it. They knew exactly what I said and that is why they are my best friends. They jumped up and down and then tackled me in a hug. Matt was still standing in the kitchen, confused as ever.....

The rest of the night, the girls and I watched a couple of movies and then I grabbed some blankets and pillows so all 3 of us could sleep in the lounge room together.

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