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Charlie's POV

I just left Mad's house to go and get ready for the party. I went straight home and hopped right in the shower. When I finished washing myself, I got out and dried myself. I got dressed into a striped T-shirt, ripped jeans and a black denim jacket. Once I was dressed I put on some deodorant and I was ready to go. I waited for my older brothers Ed and George to get ready because apparently they were invited too. We all got in the car and drove to their house. When we got there it was 7:50 so we were a bit late. I walked in the house and I just wanted to find Mads. I said hello to Patrick and Caleb since it was there party. I left Ed and George behind to go and talk to Grace and Mon to see if they knew where Mads was.

"Hey girls" I said to them.

"Ah Charlie, you made it" Mon said.

"Yeah, bit late though" I questioned them as I continued to look around for her.

"She's upstairs in the bathroom Charlie" Grace finally said.

"Thank you" I said to them is I made my way upstairs. I heard the sink start to run so I knew she was finished. I walked into the bathroom because it wasn't locked at all. I snuck up behind her, she couldn't hear me because of the running water. I wrapped my arms around her waist. She jumped a little and then turned around to face me. She gave me a big hug and kissed my lips softly. She was wearing a sheer back top with a bralette underneath. She was wearing jeans and heels with it. I looked at her in disbelief. She looked hot as. I didn't usually talk about girls like that but she was my girlfriend so I thought it was okay.

"Dang my girl is stunning" I told her. She chuckled and turned around to dry her hands. We walked back down stairs hand-in-hand. We went over to the drink table, I made her a cocktail in a plastic cup. She thanked me for the drink and we went over to Jack and Jacob to join their conversation about finals and if we would make it.
Mads POV

30 mins later we all decided to dance to the music. Everyone at the party was grinding on each other around our group. We all just looked at each other and laughed. That wasn't something we were planning on doing. The 9 of us started dancing as we usually do. Just dancing together was so much fun. We all sang along to the lyrics cause this was one of our favourite songs. We all showed or true personalities around each other. I got to see everyone for who they really were. After that song a slow song came on and all the couples were divided from the single people. Charlie was about to walk off when I pulled him back into me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my forehead on his. He put his arms around my waist and we danced slowly to the song.

It had been about an hour and the party was still going. I went back over to the drink table to get another gin and tonic. I had about 2 so far. I wasn't planning on drinking lots. Charlie was completely sober. I was making my drink when Charlie came over trying to convince me to help him with George cause George was completely drunk. We were just laughing and flirting with each other when someone came over to the table.

"Hello Madison" the person said to me. I didn't even need to look. I knew exactly who it was just by the sound of their voice. It was him, it was Alex. He was here. How did he find me. Charlie didn't really know what was going on. I needed him to understand what was happening though. He knew who Alex was he just didn't put it together. I needed someone's help. I was frozen, stuck standing still. Charlie still had his arms around me from behind. I saw Charlie smile at him from the corner of my eye.

He reached his arm from around me and put it out for Alex to shake. They shook hands right in front of my face.

"Hey, I'm Charlie, Madison's boyfriend" I slapped myself internally when he said that. I didn't want Alex to know I had a boyfriend. Charlie was looking at me with a confused expression.

"Really?" Alex asked coming closer. I squeezed Charlie's hand to let him know I was in trouble, he didn't catch on. I wanted to run away but Charlie was trapping me in, unaware of the situation. I didn't want to make a scene so I just stayed wrapped in Charlie's arms as I squeezed his hand even tighter. My legs were shaking, terrified of the man stood in front of me.

"Yeah...who are you?" Charlie asked him. He then looked down at me because he realised I was trying to leave and get out of his grip.

"I'm Alex, Madison's ex-boyfriend" He said. Charlie then looked at me for a second, seeing the terrified look on my face. He then looked up to meet Alex's eyes. That's when two and two came together in his brain. He had a look on his face that I could never forget. He pushed me to the side gently and grabbed Alex by the collar of his shirt, while shoving him into the wall. It got the attention of everybody at the party. The crowd went silent, all you could here was Charlie's voice and my cries. Grace and Mon ran up to me realising what was going on. I sat down on a bench near by, watching the action play out. Watching my boyfriend yell at my abusive ex boyfriend in front of all these people.

"YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS HERE" Charlie yelled. The boys ran up to them, realising what was going on. They all looked like they wanted to kill him. Some of them were trying to seperate him from Charlie while my boys were all going after him. I sat wrapped in Mon and Graces arms. I was breathing heavily. I made eye contact with Charlie. He saw me panicking and released his grip from Alex. He came rushing over while the other people in the party got Alex out of the house.

"Mads I'm so sorry, I had no idea" I didn't reply I just hugged him, he hugged back tightly. Everyone came over to make sure I was okay. Matt was extra worried.

"I'm sorry Mads, if I knew he was here I would have gotten him out of here as quickly as possible" Matt told me wrapping me in a hug.

"I'm sorry he was here Mads" Caleb said.

"I don't even know how he got in here" Patrick said. I hugged them to let them know I was fine and I wasn't mad at any of them.

After that, the party died down a bit. I was calm again. I was wrapped in Charlie's arms on the couch across from Jack and grace who were also hugging and Patrick and Mon who were doing the same.

"Do you want to stay at mine tonight?" Charlie whispered in my ear.

"I would love to" I told him.

"Good" he said. It was now 10:00 and I wanted to go home. I told Matt I was going to stay at Charlie's tonight. He was fine with it since he was going to ask me if he could have his girlfriend over anyway. Charlie took me to his car and opened the door for me since I was emotionally distraught. I was so glad I had his support after that. We drove to his house. Charlie lived alone in a small house. I had never been before. We went inside and I went straight to his room. I went to brush my teeth with a spare toothbrush he had. I went to the bathroom and came out to see Reggie and Charlie laying on the bed together.

"Can I borrow something to wear to bed?" I asked him.

"Yeah, second drawer" he told me. I made my way over to his chest of drawers and found a T-shirt that would be oversized for me. It looked comfortable and it smelled like him. I started taking my clothes off being completely comfortable taking my clothes off in front of Charlie. I think Charlie was a bit surprised by this though. His jaw was dropped when I was just in my bra and underwear. I chucked the t-shirt over the top and did the old bra off trick and through my bra at Charlie. He caught it and smirked. I hopped into his bed and he went into the bathroom to get ready.

"Babe?" He called out to me from the bathroom.

"Yeah?" I answered. He came out of the bathroom not wearing a shirt.

"Do you mind if I sleep shirtless?" He asked me. Did I mind? Hell no I didn't mind.

"Not at all" I smiled as he got into bed next to me. I put my phone down on the charger and rolled over. Charlie turned the light off and spooned me from behind. I was very comfortable in that moment.

"Goodnight" I said.

"Night babe" he said back to me. That made me smile as I closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

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