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Mads POV

6 months later

Today marks the day that Charlie and I started dating one year ago. We have enjoyed the year together immensely. I couldn't imagine being with anyone else in this point in my life. I had so much love for this person I didn't even know was physically possible. We decided not to go over board with activities and stuff today. We just wanted to be around each other. I know it sounds cheesy but it's the truth. We just wanted to spend more time together. Charlie and I were currently lying in bed watching Netflix. I was wrapped in his arms, my head gently resting in his neck. I took that opportunity to kiss softly up his neck. I kissed along his strong jawline with my lips. A smile formed on his face so I continued. He tilted his head back, a deep sigh being released from his mouth. He then grabbed me and rolled me over on the bed so he was lying on top of me. He leaned in to kiss me but teased me and ripped his face away at the last second. He then started tickling me on my stomach. I was very ticklish so this made me giggle which made him continue. He leaned down and his mouth made its way to my stomach, kissing it gently. I then had an idea, so I hopped out of bed and held my hand out for Charlie to accept and come shower with me. I walked backwards with his hand in mine into the bathroom. He had a smirk plastered across his face. I turned around and walked slowly to the shower turning it on and walking back out. He locked the door of the bathroom even though no one else lived here. I slowly undressed my self putting it all on the floor. My eyes were locked with his, never leaving his sight. I opened the glass shower door and walked in. Charlie stood there with his jaw dropped. I think he didn't expect me to actually go through with it. His mind snapped out of his thoughts and quickly ripped his clothes off. I turned to the wall, facing the shower head and started wetting my hair. I then felt his 2 strong hands grab my waist from behind and pull me close to him. I turned around and I just pulled him in and kiss him. I put my hands through his hair as our lips collided together. His tongue slipped in to my mouth as I gave in to his urge. He pushed me up against the wall, his hands slipped down to my back. I had never felt so comfortable with someone. When I was a teenager I always had body issues as I'm sure many young girls did. I always compared myself to other people and what they looked like. Being around Charlie, I felt comfortable. I had never felt like this with any other boy. I always thought I was being judged with them, but not with Charlie. He realised my train of thoughts was running off and looked at me with a sincere look in his eyes. That is something I always saw from Charlie, he was very sincere in all his actions and words. He then washed his hair and his body, so did I. After we finished our showers we both got out and dried ourselves. "How about we go for a picnic?" Charlie asked me as he shook out his wet hair.

"Sounds perfect" I told him as I smiled. After we had decided what we were going to do, we both got dressed into something appropriate. I put on my white high waisted ripped jeans with my black belt and my dusty pink tied crop top. I decided to put a bikini on underneath in case we went for a swim somewhere. I put on my black and white spotty bikini.

I brushed out my black wavy hair and tied it in a low pony tail cause I really couldn't be stuffed today

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I brushed out my black wavy hair and tied it in a low pony tail cause I really couldn't be stuffed today. I grabbed my usual belongings and went back into the bedroom. "Should we bring the dogs?" I asked him.

"Sure. I was thinking we could get fish and chips and go sit on the dog beach" he told me. It sounded perfect to me. It was something I used to do with my dad and my siblings when I was younger. We used to go to the local beaches in Perth just the three of us and eat fish and chips and muck around.

We both were ready eventually. We drove to the local fish and chips shop with the dogs in the back, Piper was on my lap though. When we got to the fish and chips shop Charlie got out and I followed behind him to make sure he knew my order even though I knew he would. We walked in and I linked my arm in Charlie's. He ordered a piece of fish, some chips for us to share and 8 nuggets for me to eat, I felt like such a kid. I never really enjoyed fish. I used to eat it a lot and then one day I decided the texture wasn't for me. I asked Charlie for the keys as we waited for our order. I wanted to go back to the car and turn the AC on for the dogs. I got in the front seat and turned the car on. I watched Charlie as he got out order that was now ready and walked back to the car. He got back in and passed me the food. He drove down to our favourite beach and parked right near the stairs. I carried the food to the back of the car and grabbed our picnic rug. Charlie let the dogs out and grabbed the rug from me so I didn't have to carry so much. We walked down the stairs to the vacant beach. The dogs ran and chased the ball that Charlie had thrown down the beach. We walked down the beach until we found the perfect spot. I lay the rug down and placed the food in the middle. Daisy came over to me and dropped the ball in my lap. I through it out into the water and she ran into the water and swam to get it. Charlie opened up the fish and chips and snapped a picture and posted it on Snapchat. We started eating or fish or chicken and chips while the dogs played together.

Once we finished eating we wanted to go for a swim with the dogs. Charlie took his shirt off and grabbed the ball running into the water. I slowly took my jeans, belt and top off shoving them in my bag. I walked into the water scared of the cold temperature it would be. Charlie was throwing the ball with the dogs further in. We sat down in the water and he watched me as I cringed at the freezing water. I walked towards him and quickly ducked under the water. I came up and my jaw was dropped at how freezing I was in that moment. Charlie swam up to me and lifted me onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held my back as I put my arms around his neck playing with his wet curls. We looked into each other's eyes. Both of us leaning in closer with each second. Every time we kissed it was as passionate as the first time we kissed. His lips fit perfectly with mine and his tongue roamed my mouth. We were in the middle of the ocean making out when something came and licked between our mouths. It was Daisy and Reggie coming to see what was going on. Piper was still playing on the beach with the ball because she was too short to reach the sand.

Charlie and I played some more with the dogs on the beach, spending time together. We then decided to go home and just chill and watch movies together. We put the dogs in the car, I was drying each of them off before Charlie lifted them in the boot. We drove home, singing along to some music as we admired the sunset. We had been at the beach for 5 hours, it was currently 6:00. As soon as we got home, I ran to the bathroom and did a quick rinse off. I got into my favourite trackies and a jumper that I borrowed from Charlie's wardrobe. Charlie had already changed into his pyjamas, aka, trackies and no shirt, but hey, I definitely wasn't complaining. We cuddled up with some blankets on the couch. We weren't really hungry so we just had some toast as well as some Maltesers, Favourites and Snakes. I opened all the lollies and picked out all my favourites. Charlie laughed at my actions. I only liked certain ones so I chose those before Charlie could. He didn't mind though cause he eats anything pretty much. Charlie put on a random movie and pressed play. I put my head on his chest listening to the ruffled sounds of his heart beating. We watched the movies and just embraced each other as we wanted to spend as much time in each other's arms as possible to celebrate being together for 1 year. I felt my self slowly fall asleep in the arms of the love of my life.

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