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Mads POV

Tonight was going to be very interesting. I was going to a barbecue for Australia Day. I hadn't seen Charlie since the pool party at the boys house. I knew Charlie would be at the party, most of the Carlton boys and girls would be there.

I'm wasn't sure if I was ready to see Charlie again. I just can't see myself getting over him. Every time I try and get on with my life, he just keeps coming back to my mind. I want to be with him so bad, it's killing me. I wasn't going to make the move though. I put myself out there last time and I just completely got rejected and embarrassed myself. I wasn't planning on talking to Charlie anytime soon, because every time we did, something always went wrong.

The barbecue was going to be held at a park near my mums house. I was going to go with Mon and Grace. They were pretty much going to drag me there. I just felt uncomfortable being around Charlie still, I knew he was looking at me whenever we were around each other. It's something I would have enjoyed if we were still together but we weren't and I couldn't handle it. It's like half of me wanted to kiss him so badly and the other wanted to never speak to him again.

It was now 2:00 and the barbecue was at 5:00. The girls were coming over at 4:00 so we could get ready together. They told me on the phone that they were going to do my hair, makeup and pick my outfit. I was a bit of a mess lately and I hadn't really been out in a few days. I just didn't feel like myself, I felt loss so I knew I needed their help and they were happy to oblige. They were such great friends that I was so grateful to have in my life. They were helping me get my life back on track.

I was still living with my mum, I was going to move back into Matt's place where I used to live. I didn't want to burden my mum anymore than I already had. She was providing for me like I was a teenager again. She deserves her own house and her own space. She put up with the two of us for 18 years. Sometimes I do go stay there because I don't want her to ever feel lonely. She lives in a big family home by herself with a big dog. Keeping her company is really important to Matt and I, especially after Dad died. Matt said he would help me move in with him, so those were my weekend plans. I was going to spend my weekend moving boxes from one house to the other. It was going to keep me pretty occupied. That's why I was glad this barbecue came up at a perfect time to help me relax before my hectic weekend.


Grace's POV

It was now 3:45 and we were heading over to Madison's mum's house. We were all going to a barbecue together. We had been asked by Charlie to make sure Mads was there. He was really still in love with her. It was so obvious, everyone knew except for Mads. We had a talk with Charlie a few days ago, along with some of the boys. We all forgave him for what he did to Mads. Matt and Charlie had a talk and Charlie convinced him to give him another chance with Madison. We all encouraged him to try and get her back because we all knew how happy she was with him, there was a significant difference then how she is now. We just wanted her to be happy, and being with Charlie was when she was truely happy, she just had to realise that. Charlie told us he wasn't going to go all out, he was just going to talk to her and see how she felt. He didn't want to make a big deal out of it because that would make things worse.

"How do you think she'll react?" Mon asked me as we turned onto her street.

"I think she loves him so we'll see what happens" I told her.

"I just want her to be happy" Mon said.

"Yeah, me too" I said. We pulled into her drive way and parked behind her car. We walked through the front door. Daisy and Piper ran up to us. We walked through the house till we found her in the lounge room.

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