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2 weeks later

Mads POV

Charlie and I have been back together for 2 weeks now. Today I was finally moving back in with Matt, my mum needed her own space. Charlie and I were still going slow. It was kind of like we started over again except we already had history. He hadn't asked me to move in with him and I wasn't expecting it. I didn't want to pressure him, we both wanted to make sure nothing went too fast. I didn't want anything else to go wrong.

I was in my room packing all my belongings up when my bedroom door opened. I turned around to see Charlie's face peering from behind the door. All it did was put a smile on my face. Every time I saw him, his smile was just infectious.

"Hey" I said walking up to him and kissing him on the lips. He wrapped his strong arms around me and pulled me in for a hug.

"Need some help?" He asked me considerately.

"Yep, I'm almost finished" I told him.

Charlie and I finished packing my last boxes then he started stacking them in my car. It didn't take long at all because I didn't have a lot of belongings. I picked up the last box from my teenage room and walked out to the car.

"Okay, that's the last box. Now we need to drive them all to Matt's house" I said to him as I placed the last box in the back.

"How about we don't take them to Matt's house" he said with a hopeful look on his face.

"What?" I asked confused as ever.

"How about we take them to my house?" He asked me picking up my hand and holding it in his.

"Charlie" I said trying to figure out if he was being serious or not.

"Come on, you used to live there and you're already packed up, come live with me" he asked again. That's when I knew he was serious. I thought he wanted to wait and take it slow, but apparently not anymore.

"Okay" I said giving in. Once I realised all the positives of living back with Charlie, I couldn't wait to say yes.

"Okay?" He questioned not expecting me to say yes.

"Let's go home" I said to him.

We both got in the car and drove to his house. When we got there it was a bit strange for me. I hadn't been here in over a year. It did remind me of some bad times in my life. It also brought back good memories of our relationship.

I grabbed a box from the loaded car and headed inside. It looked quite different to the last time I lived here. I placed the box down in the study and took a look around the house. He had moved the furniture around a bit and painted a few walls.

"You okay?" He asked as he hugged me from behind.

"Yep, just strange being back here" I told him.

"You'll get used to it, but I'm glad your here" He said. I turned around and looked up at his gleaming face.

"Me too" I said pecking him on the lips.

We were planning on spending the day unpacking my stuff. Then tonight, we were going bowling with the group. I had never been really good at bowling but I hadn't played in a long time. I told Charlie to get ready and he listened and went to find some clothes. I put on some white ripped jeans, some sneakers and a grey woolen jumper. I tied my hair in a low pony tail and grabbed a handbag. I walked into the bathroom as Charlie was putting his shirt on. "Almost ready?" I asked him.

"Yep" he responded. I put on some makeup and some perfume. I then put the 3 dogs outside with some treats and locked all the doors. I walked out the front and got in the car waiting for Charlie. He came out eventually and hopped in the passengers seat. I drove to the best bowling alley we knew of. When we got there, there were a lot of available parking spots so I chose one near the entrance. We both got out of the car and walked hand in hand to the entrance. When we walked in, the music was playing loudly and it was quite dark inside. We saw the group waiting over at the front counter. They all gained smiles as they saw us coming over.

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