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Mads POV

Its Saturday, September 29th. Today is the day. Carlton were in the grand final against old rivals Essendon. It was going to be a huge game. Charlie was lying next to me in bed. He had been rolling around all night, I think the nerves were getting to him. I woke up at 7:30 and went to have a shower and wash my hair. After my shower I needed to get some clothes. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Charlie pacing around the room. He was panting very fast. I walked up him grabbing onto his hands.

"Charlie calm down" I told him. I raised my hand up to his cheek.

"I'm just nervous" He said shakily.

"I know, I know. Charlie look at me" I said lifting his chin up to meet my eyes. "You are an amazingly talented footballer, I know you can do this" I told him.

"I don't think I can Mads" he said to me.

"Charlie, this is something you've always wanted and today, you are going to get it" I told him.

"I love you so much" he said grabbing my face and pulling it towards his.

"I love you too" I said. We kissed deeply and passionately.

"Now go get ready" I said pushing him into the bathroom. I sighed, relieved that I had calmed his nerves.

An hour later, I was going over to Mons house with Grace, Bella (Zac Fishers girlfriend) and Mikayla. Charlie had already left to Ikon park. That's where he was meeting the team. When he got there he would have a team meeting and then take the long nerve wrecking drive to the MCG.

I got dressed into some baggy black jeans, a Carlton guernsey, a denim jacket, some white sneakers, a carlton scarf and a carlton beanie. I bought a Carlton guernsey with the number 30 on it not long after my first date with Charlie. So I decided to wear that guernsey today. I then went and curled my hair. I applied some light makeup and perfume. I put on my lucky gold necklaces from my dad. I was ready to go now. I grabbed a handbag with my ticket and team room pass. I put all 3 dogs outside and left the house that I now lived in with Charlie. Matt still lives in the old house, he said there would always be a place for me there if I needed it. I locked the door and headed to my car that was parked in the garage. I through my bag on the passengers seat and backed out of the drive way. I drove to Mons house, singing along the way. When I got there, there were already 3 cars there. I grabbed my bag and walked through the front door.

"Hey girls" I said putting my bag down on the kitchen bench.

"Hey Mads" Mon said coming over and hugging me. I said hi to the other girls and sat down on the stools under the kitchen island bench.

"Did any of you guys have to calm down the guys this morning?" I asked them.

"Oh my god yeah" Grace said.

"Charlie was pacing around the room and hyperventilating" I told them. They all giggled at my expense.

"So was Zac" Bella said.

"Same with Pat, he was scared because he didn't want to lose the coin toss" Mon said laughing.

We all had a really early lunch together at Mons house and started to get excitedly nervous for the game. We left at 11:00 because the game started at 2:30 we didn't want to miss a thing.

The drive to the MCG was long. There was so much traffic. When we got there we waited in line for 20 minutes until we finally got in. We went down to the change rooms. We all went up to our boys and gave them one last pep talk and a kiss and a hug as their emotional support. After that, we went and found our seats. They were on the first floor somewhere in the middle. When we sat down, the boys were about to run out. I watched the boys run up the ramp. Patrick and Sam were leading the boys out. I was so proud watching them run out. This is all I wanted for all of them. I got a bit emotional as well as Mikayla. This is what dad would have wanted. He would have been so proud of every single one of the these boys. I wanted them to win for him. I've been a Carlton supporter since I was little and I dreamed of them winning the grand final for so long. I never imagined that they would get here this fast and especially with these boys that I had grown so close with. Patrick did the coin toss with Dyson Heppell. He won the toss and ran back to the team huddle. I watched them in the huddle. They were such a tight group, they worked so hard this year, I knew they could do this. The siren went and the game started. My heart was beating out of my chest.

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