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In a tranquil little town where nothing remarkable ever happens, sat a tiny, single-story house near the outskirt of town. Inside, y/n was on her couch, snuggled under a fuzzy blanket. Her darkened living room was lit up by both the moonlight sparkling through her open window and the television light as she flipped rapidly through different channels.

A live news report had caught her attention. She cocked her head to the side slightly and pulled the blanket closer to her face as she watched. Footage from a news copter showed people in a panic and running in the streets as a group of sizeable dark figures ran wild. They were destroying everything. Buildings falling apart, cars flipped over, and the occasional body was shown laying limp and lifeless in the street. Y/n could hear the news reporter's frightened voice shake as she reported the chaos from the security of the news copter.

"Shinitori City," y/n muttered under her breath. "That's not far away." The TV flashed back to more footage of the strange figures running in the street as a car burst into flames. Y/n wondered if those were legitimate monsters or maybe a group of villains with heteromorphic quirks. Either way, y/n felt terrified.

A shiver ran down her spine. The news is always so scary nowadays; this is why I barely ever watch stuff like this anymore. Y/n glimpsed over to her window and looked out. As far as she can tell, everything appeared peaceful. The little scene outside her windowpane was so calm that it almost looked like time itself had stopped. A small wave of relief came over her; it seems like she had nothing to fear.

Her attention returned to the TV once again. A large flock of pro heroes made it onto the scene. Y/n supposed there's even less to worry about now. And with that, she turned off the TV.

Y/n stood up, allowing her blanket to fall back onto the couch. The clock over in the kitchen read 10 o'clock, she stretched. "Hm, time to sleep soon."

She made her way out of the living room and walked down the hallway towards the bathroom door. Sitting on the edge of her bathtub, she turned the hot water faucet and watched the water slowly fill the tub. Y/n couldn't help but think about those poor people in Shinitori City right now. While she was getting ready to relax in a nice warm bath, many people not too far away were suffering.

Y/n slid down into the water, just far enough to submerge her mouth. Taking a deep breath in through her nose, she then slowly exhaled out of her mouth and watched the tiny bubbles emerge to the surface. Y/n needed to take her mind off the news.

It's a little past 10. I have to be up at 5 and get to the shop by 6, y/n began to think to herself. In y/n's head, she counted the hours. 11, 12, 1, 2... 7? About 7 hours. Not too bad.

Y/n finished up in the tub and pulled the drain. Grabbing a soft, fluffy towel and wrapping it around her body as she stepped out. She dried herself as fast as she could and hurried across the hallway towards her room. Y/n grabbed the first thing she saw, a loose T-shirt and a pair of shorts. She put them on and slid into bed.

Meanwhile, the city of Shinitori was in shambles. The pro heroes had split themselves into groups and got to work. Some groups led civilians to safety, some groups dug through the rubble looking for the injured, other groups fought head to head with the monsters they called Nomu. A much smaller group searched the city for the ringleader of this attack. Little did the heroes know, the young man behind the attack was still in Shinitori city. He was carefully watching and studying his newest batch of Nomu.

The blue-haired ringleader stood in an alleyway, well hidden among the shadows, his arms crossed in front of him and leaning his shoulder against a wall. "Well, any news?" he asked out loud as his adviser manifested behind him.

The second man was well dressed, but his unique physical features stood out the most. The man had a strange shadow-like attribute that moved about like a flame on a candle and wispy yellow eyes. He spoke up immediately. "It seems many of the nearby pros have made their way in town. I believe all nearby cities have been left mostly to sidekicks."

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