Hope for the Future

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Blood accumulated and dried under y/n's torn up nails. She had her back pressed against the concrete wall. Behind her was a small trail of blood left from her clawing at the wall.

Her tears had dried up long before she was ready to stop crying. Y/n felt an impending migraine coming along. Hours passed, and y/n stayed still with her palms pressed tightly against her temples, trying to use pressure to attack the growing pain. Every so often, she'd look towards the end of the bridge with hopeful eyes. Any minute now, Tomura is going to come for me.

She was given specific directions to stay and wait for Tomura to get her; for once, y/n had no intention to do otherwise. She had no idea what the world beyond the bridge was like. As much as she was growing to hate the sight of the little concrete bridge over the running stream, it was still safer than traversing into an unknown world.

Y/n stayed motionless, listening to the sound of the occasional car driving by overhead. She hugged her knees to her chest, and rested her head down, out of fear of being spotted as they drove by.

The sun was beginning to set, and the air around her became colder. She pulled on the hoodie's strings in a futile attempt to cocoon herself. Y/n trembled as she closed her eyes, trying to get some rest.

Although she was exhausted, y/n couldn't get herself to sleep. Every sound she heard seemed amplified, everything from a bush rustling off into the distance to the running water in front of her. It was so loud, and her nerves were on edge.

Regardless of all the sounds, the exhaustion eventually won. Y/n managed to get a few hours of sleep, waking up occasionally to scan her surroundings. However, she was not prepared for what the next day had for her. 

The first day was nothing short of mental torture. She woke up exactly how she had fallen asleep, curled up in a ball under the concrete bridge. Part of her hoped she'd wake up at home, safe in bed. The feeling of disappointment was soon replaced with fear. Her mind attacked her as she thought about what could have happened at Tartarus. Y/n spent the day thinking about every possibility. 

Y/n started with the facts. However, the more y/n thought about it, the line between reality and speculation seemed to blur. She knew she had been removed from the fight right before the heroes arrived. It was the last thing she remembered. Y/n also knew Compress used his quirk on her. She was convinced that those two details were fact.

She wondered if Compress kept her safe while The League fought against the heroes. Perhaps things went so awful that The League decided to flee from Tartarus. She began to doubt herself. Y/n began to consider that she might have been in the fight the whole time and suffered some sort of head injury, causing her to forget. She chewed on her cheek, feeling frustrated and unsure of what to believe.

By the time the first day of waiting came to an end, y/n was sure whatever went down at Tartarus had to be over. Y/n wondered how The League faired without her. Did they kill any heroes? Or did any heroes kill them? The thought made y/n feel sick.

By day two, y/n had pulled off her locket. Trying to keep her mind off her current situation, she observed the little heart. The engraved initial on the front looked dirty. She carefully cleaned out the letter and around the f/c embellishment as best she could. Taking one last look at it, y/n noticed all the fingerprints on the silver. She tried to clean it off on her sweater, only to smudge the prints and make the silver appear cloudy. Y/n told herself, once Tomura got her, she'd find herself proper polishing supplies and get her little locket shining again. Y/n assumed the thought would make her feel happy. However, it just made her worry grow.

Y/n was tired of the sounds she's been hearing. At this point, there was nothing about nature that seemed to calm to her. She held the little silver heart in her fingers, flinging the tiny door open and closed, just to hear the small heart-shaped door's little click. She told herself that the Tartarus invasion was for sure over by now. Any day now, she expected Tomura and Kurogiri to come to get her. 

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