Time Apart

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Still half asleep, y/n reached out towards her end table. Her fingers lightly ran along the wooden tabletop until they lightly bumped into her phone. With tired eyes, she unlocked the phone and stared at the screen. Found something, call me.

Y/n sat at the edge of the bed and stretched. She looked over her shoulder and saw Tomura still fast asleep. Quietly, y/n tiptoed out of the room and sat down by the door out in the hallway. She rubbed her eyes as the phone rang.

"Hey, g' mornin', sorry for messaging so late," Giran said immediately.

Y/n cleared her throat. "No, it's fine," she let out a yawn; "so what did you find?"

"Kano found ya a few people. He asked if one of us could pick up his list, though he specifically mentioned that he thinks it's best if ya come and get it." Y/n didn't reply for a moment. She remembered her promise to The League. Y/n was supposed to be stalling as long as possible. Giran's voice caught her attention. "I can come along, I have a few business associates I should visit. If ya wanna convince Kurogiri, then we should be able to get there and come back in no time."

"Actually," y/n began; "If you don't mind, can we take the scenic route?"

"Oh? Yeah, I guess that's fine too. I can't be out there longer than a day, but we can do that if ya want. We can even go shoppin' if you'd like, how's that?" Giran paused, y/n guessed he was taking a cigarette break. "Mind if I ask why, though?"

"Can I talk about it later?" y/n replied. She didn't feel comfortable talking about The League's secret meeting, not with Tomura on the other side of the door.

"Sure," he answered; "get here when ya can. Don't take too long, alright?"

"Right," y/n said. She got up onto her feet and opened the bedroom door. Just as quietly as when she left, y/n walked around the room and collected a change in clothes. Y/n grabbed a bag and shoved as much as she could fit in it. 

Before stepping out of the room, y/n crept up to Tomura and kissed him on the cheek. Tomura grumbled. Y/n smiled at the blue-haired villain as she watched him. She gave him yet another kiss, unable to resist not seeing him struggle again.

Y/n lightly tapped on Kurogiri's door, which was a much more delicate task than she liked. With the two rooms so close together, knocking felt like a balancing act. It had to be loud enough to wake up Kurogiri yet quiet enough to not disturb Tomura.

Kurogiri's door opened just a bit. The villain stretched his head out to come face to face with y/n. She explained that she wanted to go to Giran's office and that she had planned on being gone for a few days. A portal manifested behind y/n. Before leaving, she said her goodbyes to the shadow-like villain.

Giran's office seemed to be getting worse and worse by the day. Each time y/n visits, it seemed like it was even more cluttered than her last visit. This time around, y/n struggled to get the door to open. A filing cabinet was haphazardly placed in front of the door. Giran had to push it out of the way so y/n could enter.

Y/n's eyes scanned the office and observed the chaotic state it was in. "Are you sure you don't need help? I have plenty of free time, you know."

Giran waved off y/n's offer. "Nah, it's fine. I'm still deciding what needs to come with me and what should be destroyed anyway. I don't wanna bug ya with that. Too boring 'n' all."

"If you say so," y/n muttered under her breath as she tried her best to avoid knocking things over.  Unable to make it to the chairs, y/n sat down on a large stack of files.

Giran lit up a cigarette. Y/n kept an eye on his lighter. She was already uncomfortable watching him smoke before, it was much more nervewracking now with the mess.

✯Twisted Minds [Tomura Shigaraki x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now