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Tomura kept his fingertips on y/n's neck for a moment longer. The pulse he was feeling was beginning to slow to a healthy pace. Although the villain felt like this new kiss was much less cringe-worthy than his prior attempt, a small thought in the back of his mind was gnawing at him. That singular thought was stopping him from thoroughly enjoying his successful kiss.

Tomura couldn't help but compare himself to a man he had just recently learned existed. The look on y/n's face showed she was thoroughly content with both the kisses they've shared just now. However, Tomura couldn't help himself but wonder if she's had better.

This sudden realization that he was the one experiencing all these new feelings, as terrible as they are at times, while y/n was simply reliving old emotions. 

A warm set of fingers touched his wrist and cautiously traveled up his hand towards his neck. Tomura hadn't noticed he had let go of y/n's neck to begin scratching at his own. 

"What's wrong?" y/n asked, worry intertwined with her voice.

Tomura looked away. That look in her eye made him mysteriously hurt. He couldn't stand to look her in the eye. For the first time in a long time, Tomura began to feel those familiar invisible shackles that connected him and y/n.

"Nothing," Tomura replied, refusing to give her any more information.

The villain moved away from y/n and sat at the foot of the bed as if the short distance would free him from the chains he felt. Sitting further away, with his back turned to y/n, Tomura could finally breathe again.

"Do you remember any of those childhood stories I've told you?" Tomura asked as he refused to turn and face y/n.

He could hear y/n hum in thought. "I remember a lot of the stories you've told. Which one specifically?"

The sound of the bed creaking filled the room. Tomura could feel the bed lightly rock. Suddenly, both the creaks and the movement stopped. Tomura could tell without looking that y/n was sitting next to him.

"My purpose in life," Tomura replied, giving y/n all the hints she needed. If she genuinely remembered everything, she'd know what he was talking about.

Without skipping a beat, he heard y/n speak. "To be a good leader? The next King of The Underworld? The light of darkness for the villains to rise up and follow?" y/n paused; "actually, I think that last one came from Kurogiri."

Tomura was only partially surprised y/n remembered. She even recalled one of Kurogiri's rhetorical exaggerations. 

"And do you know what every king needs?" Tomura asked.

Y/n paused for a lot longer than he expected her to. "Lots of things, I'd think."

"Most importantly, his loyal servants," Tomura informed; "a king can create his kingdom, but without anyone following his word, he's nothing."

Y/n continued to stay quiet. He wondered what she could possibly be thinking. As if y/n could read his mind, she spoke up. "Like, Kurogiri and me? The rest of The League too?"

"If I recall correctly, I once asked if you were loyal to me, and you said no." For the first time since he started this conversation with y/n, he looked at her. The look on her face told Tomura that she remembered that conversation at the Nomu Factory as well. "Is it still a no?"

Y/n was quiet. Tomura paid attention to each possible tell, not wanting to give y/n any wiggle room to bend the truth. "It's not a no," y/n finally said. Tomura was sure she was telling the truth. "But," y/n hesitated; "I don't think I could say yes either." She was telling the truth. 

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